Sunday, August 30, 2009

You pick the answer to this one, it's multiple choice

Remember the point made earlier about "Advice vs. Consent"?
Remember the thought process: "Sometimes it's easier to get forgiveness than permission"?.

Last week I attempted to get "permission" to start driving again. Couldn't do that for some reason that I don't understand.........or, shall I say...........don't accept.

I've started doing some very, very low yield excercise work to get back in shape because I don't want to be held up by any required "physical rehab" at the end of this road. It's so low yield that you may not even recognize it as excersize.

Just taking a short walk around the front yard several times per day is one. Climbing the stairs at the hospital or at the Bass Pro shop when I went to get some Tee shirts is another. Yeah, I had my baby sitters with me when I went.

In any event, Tim jr took me to Bickham Dixon Park and I drove the entire circuit twice. Joey let me drive to Strawn's and I made a "right hand side back up maneuver" which is the most difficult to make when backing into a parking spot. After that, I drove by myself to the grocery store and did that without any problem. Later last night I drove over to Melissa's for chicken and then went to get ice cream for dessert. It's only two miles from Pennsylvania Avenue but that isn't the point.

The point is this. It's having the ability to drive when and if you want to, need to or must.

Now that Tim and Kristin are gone I have more people dropping by. Yesterday, my good friend of 37 years, Tommy Perkins, came to town and stayed with me for almost 8 hours. It was great. We went to Beams in Bossier for lunch but Tommy drove. We left there and went to Bass Pro shop and I drove. I drove back to Tim and Kristin's house too. We just watched the game and talked for hours about Leesville and work.

In any event, it's all about "maintaining a positive mental attitude" and if I am fully capable of driving safely, then I'm going to drive. I'm not on the pain medications any more as the trauma to the brain and skull have pretty much healed or at least healed to a point where it no longer requires dope to be without pain from the head aches that used to just be a part of the healing process.

Was gonna drive by Sheila's today to check on the chocolate chip cake but had to do emails and the blog then get a nap in before the race starts at 3. Moto GP.

Thought about going by B's house but that lost out to the nap, too.

Okay guys, it's time to vote.

I am NOT screwin' up by driving. I say that with the caveot that my driving is pretty much limited to the number of blocks that I am from the grocery store or the hospital. It might be within a 4 mile radius but more often than not it's closer to a 4 block radius.

Go ahead and vote if you'd like but just keep in mind, the gestapo will have to show up and take the keys or take me into custody cause I'm not going to stop voluntarily if I continue to be pain med free and feeling so good.

Wanna drag?
Tim Sr.


  1. Hi Tim, I sure am happy to see you looking so well. you rad. group really do look fun. Just a word on the driving question. as I have told you Ed has had CNS Lymphoma (brain cancer) twice. You can only imagine how well a former state trooper takes to not being able to drive. Granted he has several difficulties that you are not having but the driving thing for him, is the reaction time. He feels perfectly capable but he really is not safe to do ity. There is also something about the aftermath of surgery that takes a while to recover from. Patience is soooooo hard, but try to wait till they give you the all clear for safety sake, you don,t want to have a problem.... If you are on heperin or the like it is for your sarety. Good things come to all who wait. Keep up all the good work and don't sweet the small stuff. Love ya, andrea

  2. Hey buddy! I know that you must have a serious case of cabin fever wanting to get out to drive and I know that you probably think you have your "training wheels" off that motor vehicle of yours, BUT, might I add that most fatal accidents occur within 25 miles of home, AND that maybe your auto insurance company might have an issue with you driving about town without your doc's permission. I vote with Andrea.

    Your long lost roomy, Ed
