Monday, August 10, 2009

TIm Jr posted pictures

Jr added a picture or two on this site that reflects family stuff and military stuff. The one on the ship is of him (holding the rope right side of the picture) when he was on deployment in the Persian Gulf.

The one above that is me on the left hand side of the picture. Oddly enough, it was taken on the Cambodian Border during the initial stages of the invasion sometime around December of 70 to March of 71.

As a coincidence you may notice how "clean" the area is that we were standing in. That's because it was "cleaned" by Agent Orange before we got there. Exposed to Agent Orange? Whattya think!

Already had chemo today and before my butt falls off, I figured I'd make a comment before I'm off to radiation.

I had a visit with Joey and Tim Jr this morning about going back to work. I guess I've been pretty monotonous about that and I'm sure the drugs haven't helped much. I love the company, the owners, the guys I work with and have had a great time there since the day I moved to Leesville. It's just really hard to be taken away from so many friends and so much fun in what appeared to me to be a "microsecond". I miss em all.

In any event as we were discussing the treatment time remaining which is 4 weeks and 4 days today, Tim jr made a statement to me that I wanted to share with you now.

He said:

"Poppa, I understand where your head is about going back to work but you have to really focus on your priorities. I want you to accept that your new job description is RECOVERY".

I think I'm gonna quit harping on Prairie, Jay, Woody, Hubert, Richard, Byron, Tommy, Jason, Russell, Glenn, Jenny, Ed, Elton, Jim Tuck and crew, and a lot of other friends that I miss so much. I'm gonna re-engage my head and focus on getting well first and try not to wake up every day asking when can I go back to work.

As a last note, the old picture is of me in my momma's lap, my dad with Leland, my older brother that's so smart, and my sisters Elaine and Linda (rip). Elaine is the older and Linda is the younger. That was probably taken somewhere around 1951 as I was hatched in 48.

Enjoy the day. Will let ya'll know how all the stuff goes in a bit. Hope you are enjoying the updates and have actually been able to link up with some of the stuff Tim Jr has put on this site. 11th Cav is a good site to go to.

Chemo done. Radiation scheduled, motorhome coming sometime today.

See ya!

Tim Sr.

1 comment:

  1. Timmy -- Damn, you have got some kind of energy level writing all this info after chemo/radiation, etc. Take a break, man. Loved the photos of you on the flight line in late 70 or so. Keep swinging, pal. We love you and think of you daily. Doug
