Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pictures from the Scene of the Crime

"WANTED! GBM serial killin' maniacs in blue scrubs, for the wanton destruction and systematic eradication of Millions !"
That's what the headline of the GBM Gazette would have read, had they ever had a chance. I don't know how many of those nefarious little buggers have gone to their doom at the hands of these skilled practitioners of the radioactive arts, but we do have proof that they DO enjoy their work. At least when Sr. is in the crosshairs.
I am sorry that these pictures aren't the best of quality, but when you are scanning a printout, stuff happens. You can still see the look of glee in their eyes in the last photo, with the mastermind flashing the victory sign for this sortie.
On a side note, T-bo, I tried changing the pic in the header, but I either don't have the ability or permission to edit that sort of stuff. This is second best.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling confident and well enough to drive. I can tell by the s**t eatin' grin on your face in the photos that you are feeling pretty good, Or is it the girls that are having some sort of gleeful effect on you? At any rate you have my vote. Go ahead and drive. Do some walking. Just don't get in any accidents. You don't want to start all over again.

    I sent in a donation in your name to the Pelotonia bicycle ride. A friend of Gails was participating and wore your name on his shirt. I'll try to get pictures to post. The bike ride was 180 miles from Columbus to Athens Ohio and back. Lance Armstrong participated as well. Proceeds went to the cancer center here in Columbus.
    More later,
