Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Round 2 of radiation

Radiation makes you real, real sleepy. Started at 1;30 P.M. and was out of the hospital by 2 p.m. with only the slightest indication of fatigue. That may be from the nausea meds but I'm not sure. In any event, I'm finished with day 2 and I've not had the first hint of nausea. Felt gutsy enough to eat a cheeseburger from Strawn's on the way home. It's about an hour and a half after rad and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. I managed to get my hours changed from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 pm so it wouldn't screw up my entire day. Would rather lose the late afternoon than the morning.

Marvin, thanks for the comment.



  1. I posted a comment last night but was unable to do it correctly! Maybe this one will work. I love your blog - I want to be a part of everything that's happening. Hope you get this post. If not, I'll resort to email and try to keep up. Love you big brother xoxo elsa Take care.

  2. Butler, my Big brother, I love the family photo! God, WD looks like a young Natalie Wood! Great family pic. Love you, hope week 2 will fly quickly. It's getting there. LOve to you all,
