Sunday, August 2, 2009

T minus 12 hours

Okay gang, tomorrow starts the real battle. Chemo and radiation begin at 9 a.m. With regard to the "bad rap" that chemo has, know that my chemo will only last ten minutes. Also know that it is given to me in "pill" form. With regard to the bad rap it has about nausea, know that they will give me an anti nausea pill that goes under my tounge. I used one this morning for the first time and it works almost instantaneously. I am therefore, unafraid of the chemo.

As it relates to radiation and the bad rap that it has regarding loss of hair, fatigue and loss of appetite, know that Tim Jr gave me a military "buzz cut" as soon as I could stand clippers that close to my head wound. With regard to fatigue, this drug regimen that I've been on has seen me in the bed more often than not. If I get fatigued, I'll just close my eyes. As it relates to appetite, I've been on a "Doctor's orders bulk up diet". They wanted me plump before the chemo and radiation begins and I now weigh in at 233 pounds. Never been that big in my life. Lots of ice cream. I've been told that there are tons of tricks of the trade regarding appetite. Not worried about that either.

In any event, Tim Jr may be posting over the next little bit of time. I'm going to find out how long I have to take this therapy thing. Despite the severity of all this, all I really want to do is go back to work. I can walk a little bit but I can't do it for long. The doctor won't let me drive until I get off whatever it is I'm on. Should know something for you about the length of time all this is going to take and I should know by close of business Monday.

This isn't nearly as scary as "crossin' the fence" into Cambodia.

I'm hangin' tough!

Love you guys and gals. Ya'll are just the best friends a guy could have especially when the chips are down. I'll bet on ya'll every time..

Tim Sr.

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