Monday, August 3, 2009

The up side of chemo and radiation

We made it to the hospital at 8:30 this morning and began the routine of blood tests, vital signs, a briefing with the oncologist who is one of the coolest guys on the planet and ended that with a trip to radiation and chemo.

For any of you who have loved ones who are facing this kind of thing let me say that my oncologist removed all the fears that normally come with the "myths" about the experience of "chemo" and "radiation". Most of that is old school stuff that does not necessarily mean that chemo or radiation is a nightmare.

Uncomfortable? Make you sick? Knock your energy level down? Maybe so but there are all kinds of drugs new to the market that make it no where near anything like we've always heard. The drugs are wonderful in that you keep looking for that nightmare nausea you've heard so much about and it never comes. I've been into this thing for almost 10 hours now and the only thing I'm experiencing is fatigue that is promptly knocked out on this jimongous sofa that sits infront of Joey's 46" HDTV.

In any event, I'm only on day one and have been advised that the chemo has a different effect on you after it saturates your system. I don't know if that means I'm gonna be sick all the time or if it means I'm gonna be stoned all the time. Regardless of whatever unfolds, you can bet I'm gonna take the "pill" way out of this one. I think a guy ought to be in left field during all of this because center stage certainly sucks.

To all my family and friends, thanks for the never ending support. If you guys would like to, please, please, please feel free to make a comment at the end of these postings. Tim jr will certainly address it if I am unable. Forgive spelling and grammar, I'm drug induced.

You guys are off the graph!!!! Thanks so much.


1 comment:

  1. Tim and all, I think this blog is a great idea. My wife (RN) and I will be following with great interest.
    I had quintuple bypass surgery last year, and believe me, the range of emotions you go through can be tought to handle without support. Thankfully I had my wonderful wife to help me through. Wish I had done something like this also.
    Always remember that there are people out there who are pulling for you. You seem like a "tough" guy. Use that to get throught the worst times, but don't be afraid to lean on your friends when you need too!
