Thursday, August 20, 2009

Memory Lane exit 1970-1

I have recently hit the "memory lane" jackpot. I now have in my possession numerous Vietnam era pictures in addition to two audio tapes of "in country" flight time courtesy of one Mister "Stan the Man" Heinhson. I would like to send a shout out to Bob Robinson for dubbing those old tapes over to a new and improved digital format; much thanks for dragging the rest of us brutes into the 21st century. Once I figure out how to up load audio clips, I will immediately provide a link so ya'll can all hear the voice of a young and rather dapper Chief Warrant Officer Butler as he goes through all of the motions of "in flight" communications. Martin Scorsesi wishes he had such quality uncut history on tape. Man, it is some good stuff.
In addition to all of the old memories that I have been feverishly trying to collect and present for Pop, nothing beats a good look at the future. And boy, have we been waiting for Brad Pitt's new movie "Inglorious Bastards", which opens in theaters tomorrow. The Greeks had catharsis, the Romans had the Coliseum and thank God that the Americans have Hollywood. There is nothing like a little pre-radiation pep rally of Nazi-killin' to get an ol' combat vet fired up for treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    After you mentioned the blog i put my magic fingers to google and found it!!! Great job both of you, I just finished going all the way back to the beginning and reading all the posts. I wish I had known it was there all along, but now I've bookmarked the sucker and will check it daily.

    Like I said before, let me know when you're feeling good enough for company and I'll deliver the audio goodies....


