Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another "Best Night Since the Wreck"

This is the 3rd "best night" I've had in a row. I took what I think was my "last" steroid induced walk at 11:05 pm last night, logged it in my little note book and promptly crashed for the next 7 hours in a row.

I already know that there's going to be an increase in energy that comes from more sleep but I also know that I'm going to experience a term called "steroid crash". That's the reduction in energy that comes with the lower dose. I'm just looking for a little balance in all that and a return to a situation where I can get back to my normal bed time / wake up time.

Since one of the most important aspects of all this has to do with the recovery that involves components outside of medicine and there are so many of you who are experiencing cancer issues with family, I'll spend a minute on "engagement" before I have to go for the day.

Am experiencing a really cool level of "mental and intellectual engagement at work" , even though I'm not "at work".

It's really, really neat to actually knock the sox off your competitor from a hospital bed. It just does all kinds of neat things for your ego and allows you to know that you've earned your paycheck.

With regard to the multi-layered goal of advice and information, know that I've had repeated advice from several VA Docs and one Exec Officer buddy of mine that emphasizes the importance of staying as mentally engaged as you can, and doing so at work if possible.

The guys that drive the whole thing at work just tell me "not to worry" about anything relative to a return date and to prioritize whatever I need to do to continue with my recovery from the wreck, the surgery, chemo and radiation.

If you are retired or not able to work with a bunch of guys at work like I do, get involved with your checkbook, your budget, your hobby or whatever it is that you can get involved in to "stay engaged".

TOM, you get involved, too. Go "ask" them if you can take the pill...........get engaged. Dupe, I'll talk to Tim Jr about you taking me to radiation today and send you an email. Jen, I rec'd the income tax stuff, thanks. Ross, thanks for the kind words and well wishes. Fighter Pilot's, you guys are the best. Doug, thank the Rifle Platoon guys. Bill, thanks for package with the 11th Cav OH 6 on the cover.

Gotta go get ready for the chemo boogie! Blog tonight maybe. Senior!!!


  1. Tim
    I Having been enjoying your writing. The Butler sense of humor comes through loud and clear. I think laughter is better than jogging for my health. I have heard that some studies have shown that laughter seems to alter our brain chemistry and in turn our immune system. I don't know if this is true but it doesn't matter to me, all I know is when I'm laughing my life is better and you make me laugh. So for my sake (and maybe yours too) keep up the laughter.
