Thursday, August 20, 2009

"From Light Bulb to Lazer Beam"

Something really, really cool happened today that I have to tell you about. Tim Jr is "fired up".

I'm not absolutely positive but I'm reasonably sure that he's figured out that the mountain of paper work he and Kristin have been buried under is almost at an end.

It's not just the paper work from the hospitals in Leesville, Houston and Shreveport. It includes the paper work that comes when you have a home in Virginia, a full time job in the Navy, submitting reports that surround the things he's doing here with me and my situation for the future, and some of the insurance stuff that came after the wreck. It's a whole lot of paper work.

As things have begun to hit that point of almost being complete, we've found the luxury of having conversations about combat. Obviously, with all the stuff coming out of my photo files, cassette tapes I made during a mission, a recording of a rocket attack I went through, a video tape I made in Cambodia and all the emails from guys I flew with, there's always a question about this combat mission or that picture.

In the midst of those conversations, Jr has his own war stories to tell from his combat tour. Like mine, some are pretty funny and some are a bit scary.

As is true with any combat vet I've ever talked to or known, they always recall certain things about where they were or what was going on in a particular battle. They could tell you which tank model, which artillery piece, the type of gunships that were there, the type rockets that were fired and all manner of details about a battle that sticks out in their mind.

With this situation at the VA, we counted our weapons today. Not only are Waylon and the chickies nukin' ole gbm 4's ass every day, the Oncology Department has a trick or two up their sleeves as well.

They use Ondansetron, Dexamethasone, Sulfamethoxazole, Temzolomide and Prochlorperazine to name a few that I know of. When I laid it out like that and read all this stuff I'm using to kill the cancer, I begun to play this little mind game about giving the gbm4 bastards "acid". Yeah, I'm playin the game about Timothy O'Leary's acid trip.

As I understand it, the drugs work in concert with one another to insure that the cancer cells can not split but, while doing that, they make sure that you don't kill yourself through the destruction of your good cells.

I may have that screwed up a little but I've heard conversations about the manipulation of DNA and all kinds of stuff that's foreign to me, so I decided that I liked the story about killin their cells and not's my story and I'm stickin to it.

In any event, Tim Jr's had a change in posture or attitude or something. Since he's apparently on the cusp of finishing the paper work and feeling somewhat close to having all of that done, I think his internal "target acquisition system" is lookin for another target that he can produce a body count from.

Yeah, that's right. Jr's lookin for some scalps and a pile of dead ass cancer bodies. I can feel it. I really think that's true.

Having thought about that, I'd kinda like to see a big ole pile of dead, burnt gbm 4 bodies to make an example of myself!

I'm just not sure how to figure out how to get a body count going. I mean, ,what am I gonna do, ask for some brain tissue? That ain't gonna happen. I'll just Waylon and the chickies. They've had a lock on this deal since I walked in the door. Maybe they'll come up with an idea or two that will allow us to play the body count game. I'll let you know how that comes out cause if they figure that one out, you can bet your ass there's gonna be a bon fire when we burn em at the stake.

Tim jr, ready, aim, fire. Let's do it but let's try to go see Brad Pitt first cause he should give us some instructions on takin' those scalps. Yeee Haaa. Tomorrow is Friday and I'm off of chemo and radiation on Saturday and Sunday.................miss all you guys................and thanks for the comments.

Tim Sr.

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