Monday, August 24, 2009

Back on track!

Had a good day today at radiation. Waylon and the chickies gave me the run down on steroids, nausea meds and their connection to "off on the week ends". Feeling so much better.

I bought a pick up truck today. More correctly stated, I cashed my insurance check and sent Tim Jr and Kristin on a shopping spree which ended up with the deal on the truck. Got another F 150 4 wd with extended cab and all the goodies just like the one I totalled. This one apparently hasn't gone through the number of construction jobs my other one went through and is cleaner so I'm happy with it. They deliver it tomorrow sometime.

Feeling a whole lot better about all of this now that I'm on the mend and am not suffering from the nausea. The sulfa monster is back on the Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule but I am armed and ready for it.

Hope to be able to start posting something a bit more interesting than stuff like this but wanted to pass this along because of email replies to the hooked on steroids post.

Feelin' better.

TB sr.


  1. Tim,
    Picking up on your comment about posting " something a bit more interesting", I would like to here about your plans (dreams) for the future. I know you can't stand still for five minutes when you are normal (off meds). SO, what are your plans? I for one would enjoy hearing about the plans for the NEW Mustang you have been talking about.

    I would really like to hear about a hobby or some type of diversion from work. I know you have many interests and you are skilled in many areas. Let's hear about what you plan to do after the thrill of cancer treatment is gone.

    I know what you are going through is pure hell. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but let's move on. I really think you have this thing whipped. I for one would enjoy hearing of your plans for the future. Too bad you don't like to fishing. Maybe hunting or cooking. I know how much you enjoy eating. Anyway, your in the home stretch bro. Time to start planning for your next retirement, whenever that is...
    I love you man, I can't wait to move on.

  2. Yo Tim,
    Hey man, just found the blog yesterday. Thought you were BS'n about the name. Should have known. Anywho, been catching up on the posts since yesterday so now I am up to date. Good to hear you're kickin' butt and have such a positive outlook. Soon I want to drive by and see you standing out front of the "bus" on your cell phone, conducting business. Or tooling around in that new Ford. Hang tough. We're rootin' for ya!
    We love ya,
    Wayne & Danita
    PS Try not to type so fast when you post. You know Danita is a slow reader.
