Monday, August 24, 2009

Hooked on Steroids?

Well, I guess I need to admit that I had a pretty rough Friday and Saturday but at the same time, add that it was probably my fault that I did.

I took the Sufamonster, as directed by my Monday, Wednesday, Friday drug regimen, and didn't think anything about doing it except, "hope this one doesn't get me". Late Friday night, I began to have some stomach trouble with it. I've had it before so it didn't freak me out or anything like that. It just seemed to be a little bit more uncomfortable than normal.

I made a notation on Kristin's excel spread sheet that stated: "sick at 1:05 a.m."

On Saturday morning I began my "no chemo this week end schedule". I do not have to take the chemo but I do have to take the steroid and the anti nausea. I didn't do either one of those on Saturday. It knocked me down later in the day Saturday. I'll admit that I was sick as a dog and just won't go into the details except to say that it was the worst so far but not as bad as some of the guys are going through. Just worst for me.

I always thought that being hooked on something was like the "hooked' you see on television. You know, the "go rob a bank" to get the money to buy the drug kinda hooked. That wasn't me. I could have cared less about taking the drugs. I didn't even want to take them but not doing so, made me "pay" in a different way.

Rather than being "hooked" we rationalized that my body was telling me that you can not just "stop" taking the things that I'm on right now. You have to step down a little at a time and a 100% stoppage won't work especially with the steroids and the anti nausea. I am now and over the week end, was still 100% saturated with the chemo. Should have taken the pills.

As things unfolded and I was doubled over gagging in the back yard, Jr and Kristin took out the spread sheet, went down the list and started pouring the pills into me that were prescribed. That, with an anti-nausea tablet and some electrolytes, did the trick and within 15 minutes I felt no nausea at all. Totally back in rhythm with everything.

I managed to get a meal in me and when it came to bed time, I ended up sleeping very well. When I woke up Sunday morning, Jr gave me a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, scramled eggs, biscuit and hash browns and, when I made it through that, I went back to sleep and slept until 11:45 when the phone woke me up. Needed to get up anyway as I had already slept a long time, maybe 10 hours.

It's 3;45 a.m. Monday morning and I'm back with the nausea but it's not so bad right now that I can't write this down. Just want to let Tommy and the gang in Leesville know that I've been a bit off the mark since Friday and that I'll catch up with them by phone when I feel a little better than I do right now.

Gotta go try something to eat to see if I can whip up on this stomach thing. Will probably sleep the day away again except that I start chemo and radiation again in about five hours.

I will rise above this and figure it out. Sr.

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