Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Steroid Crash

If you can cut a deal regarding any high dosages of steroids you're on (and you feel too speedy), cut the deal. Ask them if it's possible to adjust them downward. The results are great.

Took 100% yesterday but have cut that in half today. Had a 1/2 tab this morning and a half tab this afternoon. Even though it's a total cut of 50%, two things seem to have occurred.

As an example, as of noon today, I was already down by 50% on one tab but at that time, the two tab per day thing was running at 1/2 tab. That resulted in a total consumption at that time of roughly 1/4 of the normal daily dose.

When I got in from radiation, full stomach and all, I could tell the difference in a big way. There was no battle at all between the drugs from chemo, the fatigue from radiation and the speed from the steroids. To say I was "pretty laid back" is an understatement.

I decided to test the afternoon "speed index". I got on the couch at 3 o'clock. I remember covering up and adjusting the pillow and feeling that "sleep is coming" feeling in my eyes. That was 3:15 and I closed my eyes.

Jr came in around 4:35 and I had just awakened but had not yet gotten off the couch. It was a mighty restful thing as almost all of the other attempts I made at an afternoon nap fought with the steroids and just wouldn't happen.

Even though I am fatigued from both the radiation and the steroid drop, I have this idea that a better or healthier level of energy will come through longer periods of sleep tonight, less steroid tomorrow and more "sleepiness" that is coming with it.

In any event, when you really get engaged in the meds you're taking, the effect they are having, the good part and the bad part of them as you define "good or bad", all you have to do is talk to the docs about it. Mine seem to have an answer for everything, Thank, God. If your parents or an older family member is on them and they're having trouble, just talk to them and then talk to their doctor. They'll love you for it. Good job, Tim Jr..............yeee haa! This feeling is great. No more speed!

It's 8 p.m. and I think I'll have a little left over rib eye and take another stab at a nap with the hopes that I'll wake up from that nap sometime 8 hours later. Ya'll have a nice evenin'.

Tim Sr.

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