Monday, August 17, 2009

"Pop, you got astronaut metal in your head".

The title above was taken from Tim Jr's answer to me regarding some short term memory losses I had right after the wreck and a few days after brain surgery.

I don't remember alot of stuff that happened in close proximity to the day of the wreck when I was unconscious for 3.5 hours and apparently, I've dropped the ball on a couple of things that happened later that day or earlier the next day when so many people came to see me that I don't remember seeing. I remember Leland coming because he brought the hot rod and motorcycle books. Sorry Jay, Elaine, Tommy and family.

Further to all that, I don't remember a whole lot of details that followed the brain surgery where I was totally unconscious for about 7 hours. If you add it up, within a very short period of time I was unconscious for almost 10 hours and, as a result of the anesthesia, I was in drug outer space for about 3 days.

Moving along to the return to Shreveport to do the MRI, I recalled that it had been cancelled and that my recollection of the cancellation had to do with my understanding that I had this metal plate in my head that would "burn" if subjected to the MRI.

Today, I found out that all of that was wrong.

I'm still not exactly sure why they cancelled it but I am sure it's "not" because of the mis-nderstanding I had relating to the "metal plate in my head". Tim Jr had a lengthy discussion about that in the Oncologists office this morning but I was so stoked about my blood work and everything else that was coming out like roses, I really didn't pay that much attention. Figured it didn't matter much (acceptance) cause I didn't have the MRI and the one that I had scheduled for a few days from now was cancelled. That's a good thing because I don't need one.

After all the discussions were finished with the Oncologist, Jr and I left the hospital and headed to Joey's. On the way when we were discussing the "Staples" as my recollection of the metal that caused the problem, Tim Jr told me what he'd been told. Instead of going through a list of stuff let me simply say that he looked at me and with his own methodology to explain, said:

"Pop, you got astronaut metal in your head".

Things are rolling right along especially with the steroid dosage reduction. I'm so glad about that. I"m sick of this PMS. "Pop's Main Steroid".

That's it for a bit, guys. Wanted to share the good news that we predicted was coming around the bend but just hadn't arrived yet.

Scalps! I want my GBM scalps!!

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