Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thanks for the great comments, guys!

Okay everybody, it's fun time.

Let's play a little fear game that I'd like to call "Appointment Paranoia".

Ya'll want to test out some of this positive mental attitude theory stuff? Want to test some of that "acceptance" stuff? If you do, we can play one for tomorrow morning right now. Here's the deal.

First of all, I have an un-typical 10 a.m. appointment at the Oncology Department tomorrow morning.

Secondly, I've already had my two week radiation progress consult and examination last Thursday. That one came out so well they even bragged on my blood (play-tuh-lits) and the performance of my blood during the chemo saturation period and radiation.

I'm doing really, really well there. They even described the degree of accuracy of the radiation shots as something that consistently hits its mark within 1 millimeter every time.

That's really good news but it is a bit foreign to anything I've ever been around. Think about that for a second. The fact that having any kind of gun calibrated by focusing on a tight "shot group" in MY head at the right temple area, is a wee bit wierd even for me. In any event, "nice shot group Waylon and chickies". Fire for effect!

So, before we begin the game, know that; at every corner and in each department, everything appears to be working perfectly and the working perfectly scenario is pretty much a function of me telling you how well I am feeling, how they tell me I'm doing, how definitive the imaging reports are and how big this stomach is turning out to be.

I'm at 226.3 pounds now, a function of a "bulk up" order from the Doc to insure I have a little cushion should the typical weight losses from chemo and radiation decide to fight my appetite and digestive system.

I do have a few secrets about gaining (instead of losing) weight like so many predicted.

Yeah, it didn't hurt at all that Harkey brought us a home made blueberry pound cake that was killer and that the Blue Bell Vanilla Bean topped it off. This was her second trip with goodies. The first trip she brought muffins and they didn't last the day. So good it made me want to restrict Martha Stewart to her room. Joey said the cake was so good it was "unprintable".

Harkey's not the only one. Melissa brought ribeyes one night and some pork tenderloin another. Of all the things she cooks, and she cooks so many things so well, pork tenderloin is pretty high on the list of good. So good, I even cooked some for Jay one night just to let him know about it.

It's not just those two and the Tim Jr/ Kristin team.

Dupuy takes me to eat and so does Joey. Kristin and Jr do a great home made breakfast every, single morning of the world. I'm almost afraid to say what Joey's doing for fear that the doc will find out and make me weigh in hourly. Oh, the sacrifices we make to follow doctor's orders to bulk up!

Okay, now! It's time to play.

Everything above is "a given" and very positive. It's happening right NOW as in "the church of what's happnin now".

Tomorrow is another thing and whatever is to unfold there is an unknown.

I'm saying that because I had a little set back of pain as a result of a "sneeze" I had Thursday and I'm not sure if I did any damage during the episode. In addition to that, I have a ton of drug content in my body at the moment as well as hundreds of shots of radiation.

Last but not least, I have NOT yet had my MRI...... but........ tomorrow at 10 am., I'm going to a non typical doctor's appointment where all the bad news so far has been dispensed.

I'm also going there as a patient in their hospital who has been told that I have "the worst kind of tumor on the planet".

Now, you wanna bet that I come out of there with something positive or do you think there's a report around the bend that has more bad news of spreading? I bet good!

I am on this huge prayer list and one of my buddies that I flew with in Vietnam (Nelson "Kat" Ballou) sent me an "angel" via email. It said that I have been targeted to receive some blessing at 11:09 tomorrow morning. I'm counting on that blessing.

Now, for those of you heathens out there who are kinda turned off by all the "faith based" kind stuff comin out of the Church of What's Happnin Now, you can keep on fightin that reality and eventually, when it bites you, find help from "The Church of The Painfull Truth".

I mean it is what it is, right? Sooner or later, all of us end up there whether we like it or not. Don't forget "acceptance". It's okay to ease on up to a higher power and hang around a while and it's really okay "not" to tell anybody you're doing it. Spirtual things are personal things. I just can't help telling everybody the fun I'm having doing it.

Will publish the good, the bad or the ugly tomorrow as soon as I can.

Keep smilin' as there are only a few more days till Brad Pitt starts taking his scalps. I already have some of mine from #4.

Thanks for the great comments on the blog. Senior.

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