Friday, August 7, 2009

FIrst Week Success

I'm completely through with the first week of chemo and radiation. I'm not in the least nauseaous and my new sleep scenario is allowing me to defeat the fatigue that comes with all of this.

Tim Jr and Kristen are on top of my dietary needs as that is really a critical element in preparing the stomach for the attacks it's taking from all the drugs. Even had an ole buddy from high school take me to the store last night to get milk, cereal and a bunch of banannas. Surrounded by caretakers which are especially appreciated because I can't drive right now.

Radiation department at the VA continues to surprise me almost on a daily basis. Having another tee shirt made that says: "VA Radiation Department ROCKS". Chemo therapy bunch is the same way. They are totally on target and everything they've told me to do, when done, insures that I hit the day in the best shape possible. I'm lucky.

The Malignant Cancer Patient Waiting Room is a real, real wierd place to be. Don't want to be judgemental but along the way some just lose their attitude. If I ever get to that point, I'll just tell them to mix up some kind of a beladonna cocktail or something and keep my in outer space. As I see it, attitude is everything.

Still thinking about going to see Inglorious Bastards on the 21st with Jay. Just want to use that as a training film as I am viewing the radiation department as the battlefield where I intend to scalp and murder this gbm 4 stuff. Nothin like going into combat with a real plan.

Keep smilin', I'm winning.


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