Monday, August 3, 2009

1st Day of Treatment

Wow! We just got back and settled from the 1st day of treatment. Couldn't believe it but they slapped a $1.80 bill on us..... not bad for a medical bill that could be it's own economic stimulus package. Poppa T is on top of things. We don't expect too many of the negative side effects until the meds have time to saturate his body. The first 6 weeks are supposed to be the toughest though and we are prepared to confront that with an equivalent level of stubborness in the TL Butler fashion of doing thangs. We expect dad to set the bar for mid-day siestas and we've got a crack-head's arsenal of medication to combat any adverse side affects that the treatment may produce. The head of oncology reiterated the fact that every patient is unique in their reaction to treatment and that statistics do not represent the individual....... but if you had to look at numbers dad has a leg up considering the fact that the tumor was successfully removed (lots of folks aren't that lucky) and other than this and a little Agent Orange, the old fella is strong as an Ox. This first leg of treatment will be 6 weeks consisting of 5 days a week of chemo & radiation. Radiation goes down Mon.-Fri @ 1:30 at the VA and the Chemo is taken in the pill form (150mg of TEMOZOLOMIDE for all of you research junkies). So thanks again to all of ya'll for keeping the Butler fam on the radar. We truly appreciate it and are lucky to have so many care so much. Feel free to post comments and/or questions and we will be sure to get them answered. If 2 heads are better than 1, the 65 or so that have been calling on pops are a welcome set of eyes and collective experience to help navigate our way through this mess. Love ya'll. Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update!!!!! Holla if you guys need anything!!! -Tanya
