Monday, August 17, 2009

Herding Cats and Sweet Dreams

Poppa T was right on the money. Loads of good news from the Doc today. Top of the list is that blood work continues to come back good. His body is taking the treatment very well. All systems Go. My good news was that the steroid dossage has been reduced by half. I don't know what experience ya'll have with high dosages of steroids but let me tell you that they are pretty intense. Barrack should look into a feasibility study to see if his new helth care plan would cover steroid prescriptions to GM & Chrystler's top brass. I'm sure their productivity levels would increase. Nevertheless, dealing with a 60yr old Vietnam Vet with pre-existing hyper tendancies and currently hopped up on a Tony Montana-esque mountain of steroids is (I imagine) very similar to the emotions one would encouter in an attempt to herd cats. Very frustrating with moments of extreme hilarity. Pop's sleep ought to really improve now. FYI- one of the side affects from the "chill pill" the good Doctor gave us was vivid dreams. How awesome is that! Come-on Marylin Monroe. I'm rooting for you Pop. Jr.- OUT

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