Monday, December 28, 2009

On chemo now.

I ended my Christmas holiday eating fest last night and prepared to get back on the chemo trip today. I prepared for the dose this morning with a two cup breakfast of cereal and an Ondansetron tablet. I took the chemo and am laying down on the sofa waiting for whatever is going to happen.

Kristin is working at the lab everyday and for the past two weeks has been working the night shift (3 to 11). It's a 23 hour per day medical lab and she has to qualify to work any and all shifts.

Tim Jr reported for duty this morning at the reserve center in Bossier at oh dark thirty. I heard him leave and it was still dark outside. Don't know how long it's going to take him today as it's day number 1 but I hope he gets home early afternoon because Kristin is leaving for work and I really don't want to be alone on day 1 of chemo.

I know I'm going to be sick over the next 21 days but I also know that I only have one more phase of chemo before this is over with. I feel like I can take anything even though the thought process of getting back on chemo has made me a bit nervous about it all.

I have an appointment tomorrow at the VA. Everybody who goes through chemo and radiation has to make a trip to the shrink. I think it's due to suicide prevention or something like that but in my case, I think it's a result of simply answering the many questions they've asked me about my tour in Vietnam and especially my tour in Cambodia. When I was asked if I'd ever witnessed the murder of civilians and I said "yes", they sent me to the 10th floor.

It's been pretty difficult to identify dates and such as they tell me my flight records are classified and not a part of my DD 214 document.

When I expanded on that inquiry they made another appointment for me to see the Chief of Staff. I'm not sure if they don't believe me or if witnessing the murder of civilians is something that automatically puts you under the microscope. I just want all of this stuff to be over.

At any rate, despite the fact that I know I'm going to be sick in January and February, I also know that this time frame is suppossed to mark the end of treatment and no more being sick. I feel like I can put up with torture if they'll just let me go March 1st. That's just in time for better weather and the spring / summer season. Still hangin tough.


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