Monday, December 7, 2009

No nausea at all today

I think today is day 17. I've had no nausea of anykind today and didn't even take my Ondansetron till about 11:30 this morning. I think the key here is simply biting the bullet and accepting that you're gonna be one sick puppy for a couple of weeks while the withdrawl from chemo does it's thing. I hate it, it's horrible, it makes you miserable everyday and every night but it's only for two weeks. If that's the price to pay, I'll pay it for a clean bill of health. I just wish it hadn't taken so long to kill all the little boogers runnin' round in my body.

Remember, it's all about perspective. This isn't nearly as bad as fighting in Cambodia. I still say that after all this time.

Jr. coming to Shreveport for a year. Only 5 more days and he can take over the paper work for the benefit packages that I've had so much trouble with. Come on Jr.


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