Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tough Saturday

I am NOT in denial about being sick! The reality of all that came to visit this week end. I've been having these bouts with nausea but I've not experienced any fever until this past week end.

I went to Albertson's and bought a thermometer. I knew that the 188.8 number was wrong so I kept trying to find out what it really was. I finally hit 101.3 and decided I better go to the hospital as directed by my Oncologist.

Spent several hours there and finally was released after seeing a couple of ER technicians.

Kristin met me at the emergency room and stayed the course. She made sure that I had a good supper and stayed with me until we were both convinced that the fever was going away and that I would make it through the night.

This 'off chemo and off radiation" thing is the craziest thing I've ever experienced. I've been in the worst shape I've been in "after" everything stopped.

I've had it explained to me that I've really been through a rough time and that my body needs time to "ward off" the drugs. Not sure what "ward off" means but I am assuming that it means that "now" that there isn't a daily dose of chemo and radiation as well as a daily dose of all the support drugs, that my body has to deal with getting rid of all that. Well, "this getting rid of business" has been a real bitch!

Joey took my motorhome to the repair center and it came home Saturday morning after a $1,500.00 upgrade on the suspension system. I was thinking that I'd be able to go camping at a lake real close to Ft. Polk but that went out the window as the temperature began to rise.

In any event, I'm back at it today and trying to make it through the day without the nausea. Hangin' tough!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim,

    Considering everything that you have been through and are going through, you look good. I told Sheila I will have to come to Shreveport sometime soon to see both of you!!

    Ken's mother is going through some stuff right now, so it might be a while.

    I put you and Tom on the prayer list in my Sunday school class every week.

    Take care and I'll watch your blog.

