Wednesday, October 21, 2009

T minus 12 minutes to chemo and other stuff

Full saturation dosage beings at 10:30. I'm a wee bit nervous about that as I'm concerned about the nausea but I'll swallow the whole 9 yards as directed and see what happens.

I received a call from the Disabled Vets this morning. Seems as though the record keeping inside the units weren't exactly the best in the world. They've lost my Bronze Star and also want proof of my involvement there. I've emailed surviving crew members and other pilots and will have no problem proving any of it. I also have pictures and movies.

Speaking of that, which one of you guys out there sprayed Agent Orange with me at FSB Mace? I think it was Femmer (RIP) but it may have been Craig, Kat or Dudley. If ya'll remember, please respond. Buffy, was that you in the back operating the pumps?

Also, any of you guys who were there when Major Stiner pinned the Bronze Stars on the Nighthawk crew, please advise. Eddie, Smokey, were you there?

Last but not least, I need somebody to respond to action the day that Dan Coombs and Blick were killed. Mike, I know you were there too and I've already sent you an email so don't worry about it. If any of you know how I can get my hands on the Brigade Summaries from July 4th when Jernigan and Stearns were killed, please advise. Craig Wolman and I watched them go down.

All of these requests are made so I can update my benefits package. It's expensive to have cancer and the DAV will help me find some additonal relief for drugs etc.

More later.


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