Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hank, rest in peace. Cancer always puts up a good fight and you fought a good one all the way to the end. Stan, keep fightin'. I'll fill you in when I make it through the first 72 hours of the second round of chemo.

I'm feeling better today but I'll have to admit that I actually had one day last week where I asked myself: "is this it"? Lost hair, lost 14 pounds, lost all my energy and damn near lost my will.

I made some mistakes when I got off chemo and radiation. I picked two customers I could go see and picked the shortest distance to drive and the shortest work day I could manage. I made it okay and only drove 170 miles total and made a total of different stops. Probably should not have done that but in review, I think the only problem was the fatigue.

The next week I drove to Leesville and visited a number of places on and off post. I believe the total mileage was 370 and it took two days. Only problem with all that had to do with the real onset of nausea. I stayed in a hotel room instead of Tommy and Lanell's house and I'm glad I did especially after getting so sick in the hotel room about 2:30 a.m. or maybe 3:30.

The following week was a real tough time for me. "Getting off everything" does not mean getting off chemo and radiation alone. I thought it meant everything including steroids, anti nausea etc. It didn't or shouldn't have. I was sleeping a minimum of 12 hours everyday and in a sense, beating the fatigue but I wasn't anywhere close to winning the nause battle. Dry heaves are the worst.

Kristin fixed the support drug thing and eventually I managed to make it through the day without being drop dead sick. I thought I was dying. Am really glad to be back in the pink, so to speak.

Kristin has totally redone the interior of the motor home. Smells like an advertisement! Is really nice to have the "men's den" back.

I go to the VA tomorrow to begin chemo again. Will not do radiation as they've hit me so much I ought to glow at night. Jr keeps tellin' me not to pee in the front yard as he doesn't want his place to glow at night. He's still in Norfolk awaiting Navy orders to send him here to help out when I'm totally out of it. It's taken two months so far and the orders have not yet been cut. Glad I didn't have to wait that long for support when I was in combat. Jesus, times have changes in that area.

In any event, I'm ready to start the 5 day on 25 day off deal. If the control drugs work as well as they eventually did the first go round, I'll tell you right now that I'm going to Leesville. I'll hang there for the 25 days off period and even go back to Tim and Kristin's for the week ends, Lord willin'.

Hang tight. I am.

Stan, will let you know the minute I get started with this second round of chemo. It will be double the dosages so I should be able to get word to you before you have to start yours. Hang tough and I'll lead the way.

Jr, tell those paper pushers that I said: "Don't make me come up there".


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