Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Laughing at Other's Expense

There are lots of "sayings" out there that are good natured and rooted in attempts to make your fellow man feel better about a seemingly negative situation. "An apple a day, keeps the Dr. away"- without a doubt doesn't work. "An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure"- Also, a less than factual stab at motivating someone to be prepared. I could go on all day with broad generalizations and folk wisdom; instead I'd rather share with you what works for the Butler Boys.... Laughing at Other's Expense. Thank God for You Tube. A simple slice of technology that can comfort even the most obtuse individual into realizing that there is always somebody more intellectually challenged than you. I've taken the liberty of adding a You Tube gadget to the right hand side of the blog. All you have to do is search a subject and wait on our country's best and brightest to shine for all the world to see. A search for "Mrs. Peaches" will give you a whole new perspective on fried chicken and a search for "Little Shrunken Sings the Blues" will have you toe-tapping a wonderful little ditty that will surely help you wade through the seas of ignorance that surround each of our own little islands of joy! Poppa T is doin good and all is well in Timmyland USA.



  1. Question for Tim Sr. Were you more 'at home' in a UH-1 in the right seat or left? I grew to love the left seat because it was the AC's 'home' but always secretly felt more in control in the right seat. Hope you're doing well today my comrade.


  2. Always liked the right seat most. Always. Better platform to fly instruments from. Always liked right hand hammerheads instead of left hand. Torque was the reason but sitting in the right seat made it much easier. TB
