Friday, October 23, 2009

Homeward Bound

Hellllloooo blogosphere! Sunday morning I will be hopping on a puddle jumper to make the flight back to Shreveport, family and friends. Lord knows I need a break. I figured I could come home for a couple of weeks of leave or spend a few weeks in the Brig for insubordination...... they granted me leave. Don't understand how Compassionate Reassignment could be confused with retard limbo and military lethargy but hey, it is the government; I probably should have used smaller words and a larger font.
Ready to be back home. Looking forward to seeing sleeping beauty. Don't know if I've ever seen the old man sleep 12 hrs in a two day period, much less one straight shot.
Managed to get the leave period bumped up to cover Poppa T's birthday on the 4th. Sounds like a rack of lamb, mashed potato and pink cake night to me. I think fireworks are in order and will see what I can do along those lines. Love ya'll, miss ya'll and much thanks to my bride for corralling my sanity over the last few months. Don't think I've ever heard of a Saint Kristin but we'll see, stranger things have happened......... Obama got a Nobel prize for cryin out loud.

Deuces- Tim Jr.

1 comment:

  1. What a 'chip off the ole' block........if you are not one of those then pray tell what is???!!
    This is the best news ever and no doubt you will be met with open arms by Angel Saint Kristen and Poppa T!!!!! They are ready to see and be with you too.....Happy Days are here again:):):)
    Ruston, LA thinks about each one of you daily....without fail!!!
