Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Passed Radiation This Morning

I passed my final exam in the Radiation Department at the VA this morning.

I met with every single person there. They even gave me a diploma / achievement of sorts that is suitable for framing. I don't have to go back until December 30th but that's just for a follow up and will not include being radiated again.

I have to go back to Oncology and start chemo again but I will only have chemo for 5 days straight then 25 days off. I'll call that "maintenance chemo" because I don't really know what's up with chemo for 6 weeks then no chemo for 5 weeks then back to chemo again.

In any event, I'm doing a whole lot better. They seem to think that the fatigue will get better in two more weeks. I'm glad of that because it's really tough to make it through the morning without hitting the bed and impossible to make it through the afternoon if you don't.

Yeeee Haaaaaaaaa!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats Tim! I'm on week three of an 8 week (39 treatments) rad therapy program. So far, so good. Don't know that I am fatigued yet, since my daughter says I don't need a reason to fall asleep anyway. Doc says the fatigue will probably begin creeping up soon. I don't suppose we will be doing any more road rally's; might be too embarrassing in my ancient Volvo station wagon anyway. Went to the beach for a nice swim and picnic after work today, so I'm pretty light duty. Better get to Hawaii for a visit. Bruce
