Thursday, September 3, 2009

Super good day today

Hey Everybody,

First of all, I am NOT running for the Senate.

That was just a post I made to demonstrate how funny dreams can be when you're taking as much "stuff" as I'm taking. I really appreciate the vote of confidence from all of you and especially appreciate the videos that were sent of the "proper way" to act when in Congress. I think it was from the Senator from Minnesota or maybe Michigan but whoever it was, he sure "raked Congress over the coals".

It would really be sweet if we had every player in the building working on the same game plan that this guy uses. He was incredible.

Spent over 2 hours today with Jay. Was great to get caught up on things that have unfolded over the past 8 weeks. Talked to Woody while Jay was here and that was cool too.

I'm not saying that Jay and Woody would think that anyone may end up dead or an invalid when you have malignant brain cancer cause it just ain't so!!!

What I am saying is there's a huge sense of comfort and relief to talk to guys that you've known for decades and for them to actually "see" instead of hearing, that you're okay, you're mending, you have your wits about you and you can actually talk about technical matters and efficiencies without....uh....foaming at the mouth or falling off your chair. No disrespect to others.

Still looking forward to Friday week. Even though I dig the radiation department, this means I'm closer and closer to a different sense of freedom and comfort. Lisa, Kat Girl, Waylon and Steve, ya'll are just the baddest of all times.

Will sign off now and reiterate, runnin' for Senate was a joke but thanks for the vote of confidence.



  1. I just wanted to interject a quick note here. I have lost my dad and my mother-in-law to cancer. Everyone reading this knows and loves our Tim. With this fresh in your minds please consider a contribution to some sort of cancer fund. I believe it is only because of the donations to cancer research that Tim has the very best treatment possible. The medications and research MUST have the funding to advance to a cure. It doesn't matter how much or how little you donate. Just say it's for our friend Tim. Who knows how many other loved ones will be saved. It may even be one of you family. Cancer strikes everyone.
    Thanks for your help...

  2. Uncle TB Sr. This is little bo oswald in jay twn. Wanted to give u a peak. I love you as always and hope that lil tj jr got your back. Call me....Love ya
