Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stephanie,Mackey and April

Family came this week end.

Saw Linda's kids minus Joel who is suffering a pulled ham string. Mackey's wife April is expecting a baby around March so I'll be a great uncle again. They were lookin' good and feelin' good too. They took me to lunch at Strawn's and to dinner at Monjuni's last night. Was great.

Watched the LSU game last night. Didn't start until 9:30 and by the time it was over with, I was so hyped I couldn't go to sleep right away. Stayed up till 3, had breakfast with Joey this morning at George's and then returned to Tim and Kristin's house for the couch maneuver.

I'm bushed but will sleep till the energy returns. No chemo today but have religiously kept up with the ondestetron and dexamethazone schedule.........or however you spell it.

Can not figure out how to add pictures to replace Noah at the top of the page. Tim jr, send joey and email with the password or whatever he needs to log in to the blog and change the pics at the top of the page. Noah, you did good, boy!

Have lots of stuff to write about but am going to rest before I get into any of the nonesense that sometimes comes with these postings.

Ya'll enjoy the labor day.


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