Monday, September 7, 2009

I want my TOE

Did alot of thinking about the times I spent with Stephanie, Mackey and Joel when they were so little. It wasn't uncommon for me to see them everyday during 1975. I did everything with them including birthday parties where I became "Mr. Magic".

During those times I could tell a scary story to a first grader that would result in one of those blood curdling screams that I visualize as one being made by a red headed school girl with pigtails. I had one called "Injun Joe and the Black Toe" that my Uncle Woodrow taught me as a kid. It could only be told late at night or during a very late afternoon rain storm when it's starting to get dark and is really, really raining hard. You could scare the BeJesus out of em and you could do it again a couple of weeks later if the opportunity arose. It was a ball for me and it must have been for them because they continued to say: "Uncle Tim, tell us a story".

I used to tell them that my older brother kept an alligator in the trunk of his car. That was swollowed hook, line and sinker because he lived in Baton Rouge at the time and they always viewed that area of the State as the place where all the alligators lived.

Spent two days with them and discussed the Butler and McInnis history all the way back to 1850. Was cool.

They especially liked the part where I told them about Gov. Huey Long being kin folk. Aunt Grace told us that when Huey came to Shreveport he would always stop to see my grandmother Butler. She also told us that Mother Butler told the family "not to tell everything you know about being related to the Longs". Seems as though Ada Lavinia married into the Long clan and somehow or another Ada Lavinia Long was kin to the Butler family. That was the connection.

Didn't go to radiation today as it was closed. Instead, I slept most of the day. Needed a little rest as I stayed up to watch the LSU game and then was too hyped to go down. Watched Ben Spies take the lead in the superbike world championship. Wow, a Longview, Texas boy leading in the points for the world championship in his rookie year. Makes you proud to be an American.

Joey and I ate out twice today. Picadillly lunch, Chicken casadias dinner.

Harkey supplied a chocolate bunt cake that has a puddin like inside, surrounded by chocolate chip cookies surrounded by chocolate cake. It's killer.

Melissa supplied Boston Cream Pie. What can I say?

In any event, I didn't have to do much of anything today except get back on the chemo and grab a "catch up nap or two" so as to not sleep too much and mess up my bedtime.

Jr and Joey working out the password stuff to put a new picture at the top. Harris, if you're readin this, tell Noah that I said "Noah Rocks".

See ya'll tomorrow. tb

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