Sunday, September 20, 2009

FFI, not guilty!

Tim Jr tells me that the Navy has a term for the conduct exhibited from time to time from guys like me. He says that they call it "Failure to Follow Instructions". That would be "FFI".

I say that being a combat vet with an honorable discharge and a guy that has decades of experience in all kinds of things, entitles me to make the rules, or at least most of the rules.

This morning, I called Joey to see if he'd let me buy him breakfast and make a plan about several things that he and I have going on at the moment because he's fixin' to take off on a 3 week long trip out west. I'm getting ready to take off for 5 weeks and I just wanted to make sure that I was up to speed on everything.

He was flying this morning so I missed our visit. I went to Strawn's, ate breakfast and then decided to go to his house where the motorhome has been parked because I need a couple of things that live there.

When I arrived, as I walked in the door to the motorhome, I cut my left arm. I freaked because I'm not suppossed to bleed at all, even small bleeds like the kind you would experience while shaving.

I hauled it to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, put a toilet paper compress on the arm to stop the bleeding and soon after, applied an anti bacterial band aid to the cut. Everything is fine.
I co-agulated just fine and have since then, showed Joey the cut and reapplied another band aid.

I will admit that I had a nightmare vision of Doctor Haddad spanking me with a belt as I lay in the emergency room trying to explain how all that happened. I could hear him say: "You're not listening to me".

NO BIG DEAL! I'm fine, I no longer have to fear being a "bleed out" and no longer have to be so fearful of every step I take.

IN any event, I'm fessin' up on this deal because I know that the minute any of several people that see this cut on my arm, they're gonna give me the "what for" and I just wanted to put this out there so everybody will know up front.

Feeling better without the chemo but am experiencing a higher degree of fatigue than expected. It seems that all I do is sleep. I'll go to bed anywhere from 8:30 pm to 11 pm depending on how I feel. I'll sleep till around 7:30 or so and get up to eat breakfast. I'll go back to bed around 9 a.m. and sleep anywhere from an hour to almost 3 hours. I'll eat lunch and do it all over again after lunch and end up sleeping another 2 to 3 hours. Damnedest thing I've ever experienced. You'd think that with no chemo and no radiation that I'd get a couple of day's rest and perk right up. Wrong!

Think I'll try to sneak in on the fat cat at the hospital tomorrow and see if I can accellerate this period of time that they want me to recover from the last 3 months. Maybe they'll give me some vitamins or something like that.

Joey says that I am under-estimating the "totallity" of everything and not including the wreck, the hydration problem, the brain surgery, the chemo, the radiation and the fact that I've been nuked constantly for 6 weeks. Lisa, Cathy and Waylon told me but I apparently couldn't connect the dots with being "off radiation" and the fatigue being so constant. Anybody ought to recoup from anything with 14 hours per day of sleep.

Okay, that's about it. Going to supper at Melissa's tonight as Joey called her and discovered that she's cooking that famous meatloaf recipe of mine. Ya'll keep hangin in there and know that I'm doing better every day even though the fatigue is worse than ever. I'll overcome it.



  1. maybe you can share the meatloaf recipe

  2. Yeah, what Raymond said. Least you could have done is let your former next door neighbors know. Maybe we could have gotten some leftovers- or were there any?
