Thursday, November 12, 2009

Workin' with half a brain and the Dr. C.C. Miller's Bosom Theory

First of all, I'm in my second morning of no nausea. That's great but I'm already wondering if that means I'm sick two days on and two days off. Hope not as tomorrow will be a real pisser.

The working with half a brain hit me as a good title because I did something "half fast" the other day. I got my clothes from the cleaners, went to the gas station and filled up and was ready to head out to Leesville when I got sick. I don't charge gas on the company card to use for personal stuff so I made a $50.75 screw up. No big deal as I'm sending a check in to cover it and I've used the gas on personal stuff anyway. It's like trips to the hospital and stuff. I just hate screwing up a perfect record.

With regard to the bosom theory, Dr. C C Miller says that the most comforting thing in the world to a male is the female bosom. Now this may not be the typical prescription from the hospital but I'll be damned if I don't think it should be.

If you think about it, when a little boy child is born the first thing that happens is his gets his ass kicked. Then, and here's the important part, he gets a nice, warm boob shoved in his face. That's where it all begins. Men love boobs and women ought to accept that.

I have 8 female friends. Four are single or divorced and 4 are married. I didn't think it would be too cool to ask the married ones if I could borrow their breasts for a minute so I passed on that. The other four qualify as boob donors to the cause. I'll let ya'll know how that works out without naming names but I'm sure gonna give it a shot.

Must be something to it as I had a dream about the "boob detail" night before last and in my mind, all my female friends showed up and basically said "here, feel these". I know that's not gonna happen but there should be a new discipline in medical school to make it happen. Oh well, dreams are great and maybe somebody will step up to the plate. Yeee haa.


1 comment:

  1. This post is proof you're feeling better (no pun intended). Let me know if this scheme works for you!!
