Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Two out of three ain't bad!

No nausea today. Had some yesterday but none today and none Sunday. Leland said that I am batting 666 and that's pretty good.

Bernie, thanks. You're right, 5th Woc does rule, always has.

Curt, I'm hanging tough and if I can feel as good tomorrow as I do today, I'll be one happy camper.

I hope like the dickens that this means I'm totally recouperated from all the radiation (except for the skin burns and hair). I'm not fatigued any more. I do have periods everyday where I get a little weak but I'm sure that's from a combination of things like the chemo and the fact that I've spent so much time in bed. In any event, I'm getting stronger.

Tomorrow marks 61 years for me. Lots of ya'll out there bet against me making 21. Some bet I'd never make it past 25. Fooled you, didn't I !!!!!

If the old stomach will let me do it, I'm planning on blitzin' out of here tomorrow and headin' to Baton Rouge to do a little bid work. Don't fret, I have a driver.

That's about it for today. Feelin' better. A little tired but for the most part, this is a major improvement for me. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Yeee haaa!!!


1 comment:

  1. Happy 61 Tim!! Amazing. Yeah, I know that making it to 21, considering our occupation at the time, was fortunate for us.
    I know I'll be wishing you a happy 81 also, and I'll only be a svelte 78.
    Enjoy my friend.
