Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Agent Orange and Tumor denied

Veterans package sent to New Orleans by Tim Jr and Kristin has been denied. No agent orange and no service connected classification for tumor. The agent orange denial is bull shit. Pure and simple bull shit.

I have movies of me in Vietnam and Cambodia that show me actually standing in a field of agent orange defoliated jungle. I have obtained the list of gallons sprayed in each village and base I was stationed in during the entire year.

Every place I slept and fought has a list of gallons sprayed per year. Every single place I lived is covered with the stuff. Come to find out that all of my flight time from September of 1970 through May of 71 is classified and some of it from May of 70 to September of 1971 is classified.

It won't be much of a secret if I have to go to the newspapers to get the story out BUT, I'm not going to take that as a first step. Yeah, I'll make that the last step. I just think that combat vets should get their just due...... before we send any money anywhere for "foreign aid".

I have my own version of foreign aid. If the foreigners knew what it was, they'd need to change pants.

At any rate, I'm feeling good enough to bitch about the hassles a combat veteran needs to go through to simply get his due. More later on this. Doc says I simply need to appeal the decision and they will follow up on paper work. "Some nickle dime clerk" screwed that up. Won't tell you who made that comment but will say, the person who did, has been right about everything he's ever said or done about me.

Can NOT wait till Tim Jr gets home to help me work through this. Sent off $21,000.00 worth of medical bills today to Progressive. They've been super so far.



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