Monday, March 29, 2010

5 out of 24

Being sick for 5 hours out of 24 ain't that bad a gig when you trade it for 19 hours of peace and serenity.

Tim Jr took me for a ride to get some fresh air at 6 pm. We went through the drive through window at the "Hickory Hut" and bought a plate of beans, cole slaw and a chopped beef sandwhich. As gross as it sounds, I can handle that cause it's so easy to deal with if my stomach can't handle it.

When he came in from work, I was sick as a dog. He said: "Pop, this is like the Thrilla in Manilla. You only have four more days to go and it will be the last 4 rounds and you are completlely finished".

He's right. I'm pretty weak but I feel like I can make the last 4 days of this with very little problem.

Hangin tough. Hey, Curt.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

T minus 17 hours.

I'm only 17 hours away from day one of the "LAST" phase of chemo. I was suppossed to start it all this coming Monday and do double doseages till Friday but they've changed it to tomorrow instead.

This particular withdrawl period has had more ups and downs than any other but the nausea hasn't been as violent as the one I wrote about in a previous post where I hugged the toilet 21 times in a 24 hour period. That was the worst or at least, the most violent of all withdrawl periods.

I'm gonna be sick tomorrow and Saturday but maybe okay by Sunday so I'll make a post then.
Ready to make that last gun run on these suckers. Even after a "nuke" somebody has to go in and clean up the straglers. Got plenty of ammo and my finger is on the mini gun switch.


Sunday, March 21, 2010


I tend not to post much when I'm not doing that well. Over the past week I've been having a bit of nausea and dry heaves so I've just let the posting go un-addressed. I'm doing better today so I thought I'd make an entry.

First of all, to those who have sent personal emails wondering what's wrong, again, I just lay off the reports until I have something really positive to say. Today, I've been up two and a half hours and haven't had the slightest problem with the stomach. It's just part of the body's way to get rid of the poison that comes with chemo therapy.

In talking with others who have made it all the way through chemo and withdrawl and haven't had to go back, I find comfort in knowing that after a short time, I'll quit what seems to be the never ending commode hugging maneuver.

My weight continues to drop and I'm roughly 40 pounds lighter than I was on day one of radiation and chemo. Despite that, I'm still kicking, just not kicking as high. Will coontinue to fight like hell and look to the future in a promising manner.

Special thanks to Phil for repeatedly coming by and taking me to eat. Would probably wieght 50 pounds less if it weren't for him. Thanks also to Jay and Laura for continued belief and support. Thanks also to Woody, Hubert, Tommy and family.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I don't get it.

Can't seem to grasp the logic behind being off chemo and continuing with this dry heaves bidness.

Not a clue to explain why I feel so good for one or two days in a row and then get sick as soon as I wake up. I do know that morning's are hell. For some reason, mandates to be at the hospital by 7:30 a.m. almost always cause me more stomach trouble than when they let me set my own pace and go to Oncology after breakfast.

In any event, this is all going to be over with soon. My last phase of chemo ends on the 4th of this coming month. After that, I'm free.

Drugs suck!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Dry heaves again.

Don't know what's wrong this time but the dry heaves hit again this morning. Not real bad but happened as I was preparing to take the Ondansetron first thing after waking up. Pretty tired of all that but deep down inside I know that these stomach episodes will stop when I finish the last phase of chemo and have the required time to flush the system of all the Temozolomide. I haven't been overdoing it and I've been real careful not to eat too much.

It's really cool to re-engaged with work even if it's on a small scale. I worked ten hours one day last week but 8 1/2 hours of that was getting ready, driving the round trip to Leesville and back and then the meetings. I'm sure it'll get better.

Seems as though I'm going to have to fight this stomach today. Here it comes again. Gotta go.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Doctor's orders......sometimes

I had two wonderful days this week.

I drove to Leesville on Thursday and met with all my friends there, had several discussions with Jay about bidness matters and had a follow up meeting in Shreveport the day after that with a customer who also attended the meeting in Leesville.

I was not sick at all at any time during those two days and I honored Woody's orders to "not overdo it". Woody, if you are reading this, the dry heaves come from the Temozolomide not work. I didn't pick up anything heavier than a pencil and a glass of tea.

This morning however, the damn dry heaves hit at 7:45 a.m. It's just the freak nature of drug withdrawl from chemo and it never, ever announces it's arrival. One second you're planning to get out of the house and go visit Aunt Margie or Aunt Grace and the next minute you're doing the dry heave maneuver.

Mighty frustrating but none the less, I know that I can go back to work on a light schedule and do very well. Maybe I shouldn't go in until after I've had my Ondansetron and a little breakfast.

That's it for today. It's 9:30 and I'm already over the stomach problem and have actually had a cup of coffee to prove it.

Thanks to Woody and Jay for letting me come back for a day even though I have one more chemotherapy phase to go through.

Hello to Linda Barron, Mary Turner and Janette Brown from Linda's time at Byrd. It's so nice to hear from girls that used to hang out with Linda when they were teenagers.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yawn, stretch, Ondansetron and motorhome

Taking the Ondansetron as soon as you wake up is the only way to go. Almost the instant you wake up you can tell that something is wrong with your stomach. Take a hit then check your email.............. is the policy here. It's working.

My new 30 amp transformer was installed in the motorhome yesterday. It lets me plug into any 110 volt electrical outlet and operate all the 12 volt systems in the bus like water, alarm clock, and lights without discharging my 12 volt batteries. Was a $441.00 component and worth every penny of it.

I already had a new air ride suspension upgrade installed. Joey did that. It included a new air compressor and all the valve work to distribute the air to each of four air bags.

When Tommy and Kevin moved the bus from Shady Lake to the stone yard in Leesville, Joey and Tim Jr went down there to get it. I was still in bed on a full time basis back then and couldn't even go along for the ride. Tommy had a new set of vee belts installed as well as a new water pump for the 454 big block Chevy engine. IT only has 55,000 miles on it even though I've been using it on jobs for years.

IT's the best vehicular investment I've ever made. Has paid for itself with savings by not renting hotel rooms.

When you build asphalt plants, barge unloading facilities, sand and gravel plants, rock quarries, rail road spurs and stone yards, it's the only way to go.

This latest upgrade brings the total restoration job to $4,000.00 since Joey and Tim went to get it. I've already added a 26" HDTV with a 5 LNB dish for Direct TV. It has 2 roof mounted air conditioning systems, central heat, fridge and freezer plus 4 beds. One is a full size, one is a couch that converts, one is a single made when two seats are rotated to face each other and then reclined to form the bed and the last one is made by dropping the table top on the dinette to make a bed that someone who is 5'9" or shorter, can sleep in. Gas stove for cooking and hot water plus a full sized shower makes it mighty comfortable. Great for camping in style. There's a picture of it on the bottom of page on of the blog. It even has 3 clothes closets plus lots of storage area in the basement compartments.

All I have left to do is get it inspected and apply the new stickers to the liscense plate. Then I'll move it back to Leesville or anywhere Jay, Woody and Hubert need me to go. I'm gonna kick this cancer's ass and get on with living.

As a last note, I wanted to say hello to Jim Angelini. I noticed he's on the members list below. Jim and I served together with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam. He's the real deal. Arnold Swartzenneger doesn't have anything on Jim. Jim could have been any of those guys in "Predator". Jim, welcome aboard and best wishes for an easy time during your time of mourning for your dad.

Glad you're here.

Just wanted to let you guys know I'm not having to stay in bed all day long or even on the couch every minute of the day. The above constitutes the to do list for me to prepare for my return to the living.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Much better withdrawl period going on here.

IT seems that the end of treatment brings with it a better level of coping with the drugs. I hit the Ondansetron almost immediately upon waking up and doing that relieves the nausea. That's been the toughest part so far.

I'm able to make some kind of progress in the morning time now compared to previous withdrawl periods where I was pretty much in bed or on the couch all day long. I can also focus on technical matters for work where before, I was so blitzed things would become fuzzy and out of focus............kinda like the Officer's Club in Long Binh.......if you get my drift.

At any rate, I'm doing a whole lot better than I was during the last phase of chemo and withdrawl. That was the worst period of all and I'm really, really paying attention to the support drugs to insure that I eliminate as much of the nausea as possible. That's it for now. Motorhome update report tomorrow.

Hey Bernie.


Monday, March 8, 2010

No nausea

Took Ondansetron at 7:30 this morning and as of 10:30 am this morning, I'm not sick at all. Generally, the withdrawl has been pretty tough. Hopefully, staying loaded with Ondansetron may do the trick.

Leland left this morning and is headed back to Austin. Had a great visit with him.

Will keep ya'll in the loop. Almost finished and ready to roll.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dry heaves on day 1 of withdrawl

Sick yesterday, sick this morning. Just can't seem to figure out how to totally defeat this nausea thing. Woke up at 8:20 and just as soon as I put both feet on the ground and stood up, the dry heaves came to visit.

On the "upside" of all that, I should be getting the "Crown Prince of Commode Hugging" award as I have surely amassed a number of events to reach that lofty award.

Feeling better. Slept most of the day and when I woke up, I took a couple of hits of stomach stuff and haven't been nauseaous once. Of course, I'm so stoned, I probably wouldn't remember it if I had. Kristin knows why those meds make me woozy but I forgot the answer to that one,too. It's one of those nine dollar drug words. We call it "Ahna Sonna Konna Pahn" from the old three stooges movie.

Leland had a church thing (retreat) to do in Little Rock this week end so he's just come in and will spend the night with Tim and Kristin before heading out to Austin tomorrow morning. Is always good to see big brother. Wow, it's a house full of combat vets, Tim Jr, Persian Gulf, me, South Vietnam, Leland,USMC Chu Li, 1968. Testosterone heaven where all solutions to the current problems we have, are solved with such simplicity, the military way.
Hangin tough.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last day of Phase 5 chemo

Was not able to make it all the way through chemo this time without being sick. Despite that, I made it all the way to the last day before it hit. Roughly 1:45 pm today it hit but Tim Jr and Kristin came, administered more anti nausea tabs and put a cold rag on my neck. Cold rag helped and in 30 minutes or so, I went out like a light and slept until 6 pm.

I only have 30 days from today to be completely finished with the last chemo treatment. Am ready to get out and about.

Still fightin hard.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd day on Phase 5

Have been more attentive to drug regimen during this phase than any 0ther. That's a function of me not wanting to repeat the last experience I had as well as not wanting to put a burden on Kristin. Leland here with stop watch. Am taking support drugs down to the exact minute everyday. Also following Temozolomide chemo injestion to the second.

Have not been sick this go around but following the drug regime to a "T", has me totally zonked. What's the saying: "I'm tore up from the floor up, Cross eyed, knee walkin'?

That's all for now. Gotta be still. Chemo in me 4.5 hours right now and still not sick. Can you imagine me with a 33" waist line?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

24 hours into phase 5

Haven't been sick yet. This is completely different than the last phase where I set the record for commode hugging.

Didn't eat yesterday after breakfast till last night about 8:30 when I managed to get down one cup of raisin bran. Maybe that's why so many guys lose so much weight when fighting chemo therapy. I'm under 200 pounds now but my blood pressure (125/79) is stellar. There's always a good side to some things.

Big Brother will be here soon so I'll have somebody to help me through the next two days, should I need help. Will keep ya'll in the loop.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back on phase 5 chemo

Blood pressure was 125 over 79. That's good stuff. Had blood tests done and then made it through Oncology and the Pharmacy and was out by 11:30 or so. Jr made sure I did the Ondansetron 30 minutes prior to chemo. Did all that and for the most part, I slept till 6. I've not been sick yet even though I've been into chemo for six hours.

Can not keep eyes open.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Start chemo tomorrow

I start chemo again tomorrow morning. Tim Jr is taking me to the hospital to begin the never ending blood work that they have to do prior to my Oncology appointment.

I felt pretty good yesterday and have not been having much trouble with the stomach over the past few days. I've always had trouble during the withdrawl phase of chemo but it seems to get better and better as each phase comes and goes.

Hard to describe barfing a little bit as "better and better" but when it is related to the amount of trouble I had in the beginning, a little bit sick is a whole lot better than a whole lot of sick.

My big brother is coming to stay with me for two days while I'm going through this phase. I have Tim Jr, Leland, Kristin, Phil, The Dupe-ster and Joey on standby cause when it gets bad, it gets really bad.

Have sorta decided I won't tell Kristin if I get sick again until I'm well enough to clean up my own mess. She's performed above and beyond the call of duty and I don't want to be any more of a burden on her than I already have. Sometimes it gets messy especially when you're so sick you can't do much more than crawl to the bathroom to be sick.

In any event, I'm pretty much at the end of my chemotherapy phase and I'm damn glad to be there. It's been really tough on me and I'm not in denial about the after effects. Losing 40 pounds is one thing but being forced to the bed and couch for this much time has made me a pretty weak puppy. I weigh a tad over 190 pounds right now which is 40 pounds off of my weight when I started. Compared to the picture I have posted here of my days in Vietnam, 190 is okay. I weighed 155 when I came back from Cambodia.

Joey brought me some dumb bells and I try to do 20 reps of 5 pounds each bell, a couple of times each day. I can do that on the couch without any trouble. I can already tell a difference in my arm strength. I can roll the big blue garbage can on wheels out to the street for the sanitation department to pick up every Monday.

I can pick up stuff like several plastic bags full of groceries but my legs wear out before my arms do. I have a plan to get the leg strength back and in pursuit of that, I've walked the 4 houses distance to the corner twice a day. Sometimes I walk that twice or a total of 16 houses before I'm too tired to walk anymore. That may not sound like much but 16 houses long is a long way from "maybe I can make it to the bathroom".

Gettin' closer to that "survivor party". One more 5 day battle with the stomach monster and we'll see who the bad boy is!!! Ooooorah!
