Sunday, November 15, 2015

France and Missouri

This has been a confusing time for me. I didn't have a problem understanding the Gruntlicks in Paris because that's what they do. Missouri on the other hand, really bothered me.

I looked all over for Tarzan, Jane and Boy but had no luck at all. I think I saw some of Cheetah's people there and a boat load of JuJu tribesmen but I just couldn't figure out how that situation unfolded into the mess that it did.

I'm an SEC football fan and really liked Missouri. I watched them play in the Independence Bowl many years ago and have liked them ever since. Now, with the Juju influences inciting a strike by the football players, I hope they crash on every game. Come on, even the dumb ass that was willing to kill himself over all the hub bub, didn't even know what he was striking about. Honestly, would you want your kid to attend Missouri? Would you want to hire one of their graduates? DUH.

Now, with regard to Paris, the French President said he would have a war without mercy. He closed the borders but did so to insure that no one got out of the Country. You can still get in. My idea of the right thing to do was close the borders just before you sent the Army into the No go zones to round up every Gruntlic and take them to the border to expel them from the County. It's the same thing we need to do.

That's all I have to say for now. I've been too busy with family things to cover this subject until now. Thanks for your patience.  Tim

Monday, October 19, 2015

Starch in the underware, The Battle of the Bulge, my Dad and Leland.

During the Second World War, my Dad owned a dry cleaning plant. He won the contract to clean the clothes of the Army guys in training at Camp Beauregard in Pineville, Louisiana. Later on, when the Nazi prisoners of war began to add up, they were sent to Beauregard and my parents cleaned their stuff, too. During the winter of 1944, my older brother Leland was born there.

Recently, I watched a documentary of the Battle of the Bulge. It started during the winter of 1944 and somehow, I began to wonder if my Dad and Leland's birthday had anything to do with it. I began to study.

First of all, you need to know that my Daddy was quite a character. He always kept everybody laughing and could pull off a practical joke at the highest levels. He had quite a number of brothers in law in military service during the war and he hated the Nazi dogs with a vengeance. That's when the picture unfolded of him working in the cleaning plant, cleaning the boxer shorts of the Nazi POWs. I could close my eyes and see him loading starch in the commercial washer that was filled with boxer shorts that belonged to the Nazi POWs. I could also see him laughing his ass off as he did it.

I imagined that he never knew the phrase "Psychological Warfare" but he might have read or heard things about the Russians and how they treated Nazi POWs, especially that famous General named "Ruburcrotchoff".

In view of the fact that there were so many Nazi spies in the USA during that time, I found it to be no small coincidence that they may have known about Dad's treatment of the Nazi's lower regions by using Starch. I also figured that they put that in the reports that went back to Hitler. Then, with the birth announcements in the paper, I figured they reported that, too.

Not long after that, in view of Hitler's massive losses during the war, I think he might have freaked out and ordered the Battle of the Bulge to insure he and his men wouldn't have to deal with my Dad or his first born son, Leland. You know that old saying: "Like Father like Son".

In any event, I would like to acknowledge all of the visionaries that served the Country during the Second World War, especially my Mom and Dad. Way to go Dad, shoot the starch to the under drawers of those Nazi dogs. Don't worry, Leland and I will take care of these Gruntlicks.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Where's the Posse?

I realize that Wyatt Earp is gone but where's the posse? Google says they are a group of people that are hired to catch a criminal. In our case, I don't think anyone should ask for pay to find and deal with these terrorist cells. If you have a family, kids, grand kids, you ought to do that one for the team.

Recently, someone asked Donald Trump what he would do with those camps if he was elected President. He said they would be gone on day one. From that, I determined that I wasn't the only one that knew about them. I have an appointment to see Roger on the 14th and I will ask him about it.

They have asked me my opinion about things such as this but they stopped asking when I told them that we would eventually see the day that we would be able to hunt them without a license. When the attack came in Oklahoma where the lady was beheaded, I told them "We are one step closer to hunting them without a license. The Garland, Texas attack that left two of them dead was another. The attack on the recruiter office and the Nosc was another and the Feds went on tv to ask the general public NOT to take their vengeance out on the local Gruntlick population.

A couple of years back, they asked me if I had seen the news report about the Taliban soldiers our guys had killed and then Urinated on them. When I told them that I had seen it, they asked what I thought about it. I told them that it was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen and then I added: " Everybody knows you're supposed to cut their ears off first". I don't know if they were laughing at me or laughing at my answer but you can ask anybody from the 11th Cav and they'll tell you that I'm correct. Combat experience, there's nothing like it.

Ok, that's it for today. I just wanted to make a point about the posse and try to stimulate a thought that we shouldn't wait any longer. If we know they exist, and they do, what the hell is the hold up? Political Correctness?

As I understand it, there are lots of empty bunks in Guantanamo.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

More Militia

Since my last post, we've had another dose of "Kill the Christians". This is getting so old, I'm beginning to feel Jewish. I'm beginning to think that the best foreign aide bang for the buck would be to quit sending any to anybody except Israel. History makes me feel that way.

In the second world war the British did most of the fighting until Hitler declared war on us.
I noticed that the same was true in the first world war. The more I studied the more I became convinced that we have been a bit late entering most of the conflicts. I recently watched an episode of "The American Revolution" and have become more and more convinced that it always gets down to the average, red blooded American.

I really liked the part where the back-woods people came forward with their long rifles and started targeting officers of the enemy. Cornwallis raised hell about it and actually said: "Can you imagine battles without officers leading their men, it would be total Chaos". For those of you who have forgotten, Cornwallis was the British Commanding General who surrendered at the end of the war. My thoughts:, "Stongest Army in the world my ass"!!!!! We, the American people, are the strongest in the world.

If you will remember the most recent attacks, killing people because they are Christians is NOT necessarily the domain of the radicalized. That idiot from Oregon had an American name but not an American heart. To be honest, before I heard his name I was really hoping that it was something like Ali Babba. After all was said and done, he's just like one of those islamonazi idiots.

Now, after this, we hear threats of gun control. I wonder why anybody would want to do that. I remember seeing a video about a radical training camp in New York State and eventually seeing a map with roughly 50 training camps across the USA. If this is true, why wouldn't they want to confiscate their guns? Better than that, why wouldn't they surround the place and put everybody in the slammer or simply make it a target for the military to practice on? I'd like that a lot.

I saw one of them on the map that was located close to Beaumont, Texas. I was somewhat surprised that Bubba and Tex hadn't already put the boys together and done something about that one. During one of the debates someone asked about the training camps and Trump said he would do something about that on day one. Getting their guns would be a hell of a lot better than doing after ours.

Going back to the days of the Revolutionary War where the back woodsmen had to come forward, seems to be coming back around. How is this possible and why  haven't we sees some headlines that say: "Terrorist training camp attacked by the National Guard and 100 Gruntlicks were killed in the fight". To me, that's a whole lot better than Wyatt Earp. In any event, once again, we seem to be late coming to the game. I wish I was a General or a fat cat of some kind that could make that happen.

If you think these thoughts are crazy, try to remember the beheading of the lady in Oklahoma. There is a debt there that has yet to be paid.

Shortly after I finished writing this, I came across a video about the possibility of an upcoming war in Europe. Doesn't that sound familiar? 1914, 1939..............DUH. It seems that there's a guy who has a concept where the No Go zones erupt into Civil War between the Sharia Law Gruntlicks and the local law enforcement people. Kill the Jews, kill the Christians is all they seem to know. Well, we know something too. You could ask Bin Laden but he was killed. Solved that problem, didn't it.

Gun control? We should have a draft kind of thing and force non gun owners to have one and prepare to fight. "Shoot a Gruntlick for Christ" might be a good slogan.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Body Count

I have been disappointed in the news media lately and I don't think they've done a good job pointing out the futility of ISIS declaring war on us. I've written a ton of posts about "The war of attrition" and tried my best to point out the death toll of our enemies compared to the number of our forces killed in action. For the most part, I focused on World War II and the Vietnam War. In one post I spent a lot of time on the Paris Peace Accords and the Article that stated "A cessation of hostility and withdrawal of troops". In any consideration, that is a win. I also focused on the 93 rd congress and the War Powers Resolution. There is no doubt in my mind that the Congress caused the fall of South Vietnam, not our military.

The military channel had done a terrific job in pointing out the futility of Hitler's dream to conquer the world and kill all the Jews. Their "Empire of Evil" series has been most informative. Apparently, the Gruntlicks don't watch too much television because, if they did, even they would figure it out.

I have to give Yamamoto credit for saying" Behind of blade of grass there is a gun". We didn't even have tv back then but he was smart enough to know that you better not invade America because you will get your ass handed to you. Before it was all over, Ole Bombs Away Lemay was killing them by the tens of thousands. I assume the Gruntlicks missed World History 101.

Now, the point I want to make about my frustration is this: Even though we had a lot of men killed at Pearl Harbor, the Japs lost a bazillion people after that. Now, even though we are way past 911, there is a new methodology in their madness. Most recently, we've had Chattanooga. Before that there was Garland, Texas where the score was Texans 2, Gruntlicks 0.

:Despite that, one of the things the Feds said after Chattanooga had to do with their efforts to insure there were no Vigalante groups forming to take their revenge.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't want that because it seems to me that it would be the best bang for the buck. No law enforcement guys getting killed, no payroll wasted, no ammo consumed and no officers arrested for killing those poor Gruntlicks.

If you look closely at the Google definition of Vigilante and plug in the results of them fighting during the Revolutionary War, one might see how wonderful they were. I do.

In any event, I think it's time to have a really nice body count. Maybe it could happen on the border where so many prayer rugs have been found or maybe in one of their Military Operations, Strategies, Quartermaster, Uniforms and Equipment buildings. Read the capital letters only to see what that spells.

In any event, be prepared to act like our Militia did in the 1700s. Times a waistin'.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fears of a Father

I never thought that I would be fearful of the thought of Tim Jr. going to drill week end at the Navy. Well, that's exactly what happened to me. I never had a concern when he served in Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom because, as a veteran, I knew about his duty station on board an aircraft carrier and how remote it was that he might be hurt in combat. They have more escort ships and defensive weapons than you might imagine and I knew that only a fool would try to take them on.

Now, with him safely home, why in the hell would I be concerned about his safety when he reports for drill week ends every month? Well, the answer is quite simple. It has to do with immigration. The way I see it, "no Gruntlicks, no Gruntlick problems". I know the liberals will roll over with that statement but typically, they don't have a dog in that hunt anyway.

Remember the saying: "The Good Old Days". How about, "IF it ain't broke, don't fix it". Those are so common place in our society even political correctness can't screw those up.

I was watching an old Audie Murphy cowboy movie yesterday and at the end of the movie, when all the bad guys had been shot, he said: "There are a lot of tools needed to clear the West but I never thought how important this one would be". With that, he held up his six shooter.

For some reason, the report on tv news that informed us that investigators were doing everything within their power to insure that Vigilantes weren't forming to take vengeance on the local Gruntlicks, really got my attention. Later on, that's when I watched Audie Murphy kill the bad guys and call his gun a TOOL. I liked it. Right after that, the Governor of the State of Louisiana announced that OUR National Guard would be armed. I wanted to announce that the Vigilante group already is armed but I figured I would leave that alone.

In any event, this is Louisiana and we don't take no shit. After all, we live next door to Texas and they, for sure, don't take any. We almost HAVE TO feed em to the gators just to keep up with the Texas boys and girls who, as I understand it, either feed them to the pigs or kill them with rounds that have been dipped in pig blood.

I  hope ya'll feel better now. After jotting this down, I do. Have a nice week and be sure to keep your powder dry.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Relief from Chatanooga

As I was watching the coverage of the shooting at the NOSC in Chatanooga, I began to have a sense of concern about my own son who works at the NOSC down here. Then, as I continued to hear the report from the FBI agent who was being interviewed on tv, I heard him use a word that gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling.

He said they were wanting to insure that no Vigilante group  or groups were being formed to respond to or take vengeance upon the Gruntlicks in the area. It has been a long time since I've heard that word and I decided to take a look at it's definition so I went to google and took a look. You might want to do the same.

It reminded me of the days during the American Revolution when we neither had a government nor an Army. As I thought about the first Boston Masacre, it pissed me off that I even described it as "The First". As I thought about it, I concluded that the "Militia" eventually took such a large toll on the enemy troops that were trying to kill us all, I began to view them as Vigalantes.

In any event, it's been a while since I've been on here and I just wanted to share a thought with you that might help you see that you are not without help. Your neighbors and friends probably own more guns than one would imagine. These punks haven't seen the kind of thing that Yamamoto knew about before Pearl Harbor. YES, we have a gun behind every blade of grass and more than likely, we're going to shove it up your ass and pull the trigger.

Ya'll rest easy now, ya heah!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Uncle Sam 2 Gruntlicks 0

I've been wanting to say a thing or two about this attack in Garland, Texas.

I've had a difficult time trying to come up with a phrase to describe my feelings but when I walked to my coffee maker, I saw a plaque that Steve Dupuy gave me when I was in chemo and radiation. It says: "Find the Wonderful in Today". I knew how I felt about the two dead Gruntlicks and to say it was Wonderful is an understatement. I won't claim that it was as good as seeing a disemboweled Viet Cong that was killed while attacking one of our Firebases but it was good as it can get under today's circumstances. (Craig, do you remember that one?).

In any event, I stayed glued to the television and watched as many reports as I could about it. That's when I heard one on CNN. I was going back and forth between them and Fox to see the difference and I found a big one. CNN had a Gruntlick on there that described himself quite differently than other ethnic groups do. We hear descriptions like African American, Mexican American, Irish Americans all the time. This time, Gruntlick described his group as American Muslims. He put American first and it struck me as totally different than all the other groups. Watch out for that one.

I certainly don't expect to see newspaper headlines that say "Gruntlicks commit suicide by Stupid", but that's surely what it should have explained. They tweeted their intentions before they showed up and they were already on the shit list. How stupid can you be?

While writing this, another phrase comes to mind. I don't remember if it was Arlo Guthrie or Bob Dylan but some protest song had the words: "Father Stabbers and Mother Rapers" in it. If there wasn't some kind of connection there, why would I have thought that in the first place? Now that ISIS has promised more attacks on our soil, I guess we better go ahead and get the pig blood ready. That's gonna be a hard one so maybe bacon or pork chops would be a suitable substitute. I'll ask my people.

Regardless of all these things and the media's refusal to make print with words I would like to use, I don't see the attack as a "shocker". I didn't know the cartoon thing was scheduled but the way I see it, anybody who did would have expected a response from the Gruntlicks.

That brings on another idea. You know how those Texas boys are. They buy Deer Scent which is a thing that the hunters put out when deer season opens. Maybe we could announce cartoon things all over the country and just wait for the Gruntlicks to show up. We wouldn't even have to pay the $10,000.00 for security. We could sell raffle tickets and the guys that win could show up with their own ammo and it wouldn't cost all that money. See there! We may have come up with a cottage industry. Gruntlick Season. Proceeds would go to resupply ammo and the balance could be donated to favorite charities from the winners. Now, ain't that wonderful.

So, if you've been down in the dumps about the attack, don't be. We won, they lost and now we know to be more and more prepared. Anybody know where we can get some raffle tickets?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's not Bullies, it's Idiots.

This ISIS deal doesn't make any sense. History has proven that the world will kick your ass every single time you do stupid stuff like they do. The Crusades weren't nasty ole Christians  or Catholics picking on Saladin's people. They were fighting like crazy to undo the same kind of things that ISIS is doing now.

Let's think about the Roman Empire for a second. The way I see it, Christians or Catholics kicked their asses. Want proof? We still have the Vatican and we kicked everybody's ass from the Roman Emperors all the way to Benito Mussolini. It would seem to me that even dumb asses would conclude that messin' with those Yankees isn't a very smart thing to do.

The largest, most powerful nation in the world took us to task and did so before we even had a Country or an Army. Whether you call that the American Revolution or not, is no big deal. It's Americans being fed up to the point where they shot every red coat on sight. To me, more than anything, that's an indication that you shouldn't mess around with Americans. Above all, you shouldn't mess around with Country boys or Americans that own guns and whatever you do, you better stay your ass out of Texas and Louisiana. My people from Texas will make you wish you were dead and these Louisiana Coon Asses will feed you to the gators or let the ants eat you.

If you think back to 911 and move forward to today, you'll see lots of indicators. They're already here. The Boston Marathon bombing and the beheading in Oklahoma are some. That Nadal Hassan target is another.

I volunteered to go to Ft. Hood and replace the boys on the firing squad. I even suggested that they send an email to them with instructions to take the old ladies and kids on a picnic while I did their work. They looked at me like I was nuts.

Out of respect for the environmentalists and their fear that the gun powder would pollute the air, I told them that I won the Jim Bowie knife in the sales contest and I would go down there and slice his no good, murderin' ass from ear to ear. As I explained that to the counselor I heard Tim Jr in the background as he said: "Oh, shit".

I guess he already knew that my comments would result in a trip to the Chief of Staff of Psychiatry. When Dr, Barnes said "Welcome to the Mental Health Clinic", I was thinking that somebody was finally going to listen to me instead of me having to listen to them. It doesn't work that way. You have to play by their rules, not mine. Be advised that after 5 years in the mental health clinic, the rules haven't changed. I'm talking about their rules, not mine.

When the beheading took place in Oklahoma, the media said there was FEAR that reprisals would be taken against the Mosque where the radicalization took place. I don't know where that journalist studied but where ever it was, they should have taught him to use OPPORTUNITY in stead of FEAR.

The reason I'm writing this today has to do with a report that came from the Dupester. He just returned from a week long trout fishing trip. I won't mention where but I will say that it was close to a hydroelectric dam. Sometime after 10 p.m., long after the park had closed for the night, a van pulled into the camping area and parked. A rag head got out and made his way to the dam. No boat, no fishing rod, no nothing.

Dupe was asleep but Howard, a combat veteran, took action. He decided NOT to wake up Steve. That was a good decision in my opinion. I'm still working on his anger issues but I'm not finished yet. Dupe told me that he would have poured diesel fuel around the van and set it on fire. I liked that idea but figured it was a little untimely. There will be a time when that's appropriate, just not now.

In any event, the phone calls were made and before it was all over, everybody from Homeland Security to the game warden showed up. That included the Sheriff's Department and an APB (All Points Bulletin) was put out and that ended the event for the fishing party and everybody left to come home.

The point I want to make here has to do with the type of people we're dealing with, the current rules of engagement and the fact that they are already here and active. Sooner, rather than later, some Bonehead is gonna screw up and the rules of engagement won't be worth a dime. It will be KEBOS. That's "Kill Every Bastard On Sight". Bullies learn that rule but Idiots never do. Be patient. It's coming.

I have to report this to the Mental Health Counselor and I'll be sure and let you know how that little visit comes out. They've gotten to a point where they can't wait for my weekly visit. At this point, I've not had to be locked up so I must be doing something right. More later. Thanks for the ear.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Criminal Investigation of Butt Head

My email blew up a few days ago. I was on the front page of the Shreveport Times and from that, I had tons of text messages, phone calls and emails. They told my story about the experiences I had at the VA. I think I was the 101st Veteran they interviewed. In any event, they explained the car wreck, the transfer from one hospital in Leesville to the VA in Shreveport, the transfer from there to the Debakey Medical Center in Houston for brain surgery and then back to Shreveport for chemo and radiation.

The point they wanted to make had to do with the short amount of time that took. The wreck was June 22nd and the brain surgery was July 9th. That is lightning fast especially if you consider I was unconscious off an on for many hours the first day.

If you go back to the initial VA scandal about death lists, you might wonder how in the hell that could be true if so many Veterans here are bragging about the quality of health care we get here. I have the answer to that and here it is:

"Gruntlick lied". In case you haven't done the previous posts, Gruntlick is a particular kind of guy that has that weirdo gene pool behind him and he likes to hurt people. If you're wondering how hurting people could be true IF he lied and there were no death lists, stop a second and think about the negative press from all this.

The answer is really quite simple. There are tons of Veterans out there that have been somewhat  hesitant to go to the VA for assistance because of the negative press. There is your death list and down here, Gruntlick is the reason they don't want to come sign up. Seems to me that he is responsible and since that's true, seems to me that he should be charged with something as each of those Veterans suffer more and more.

I found out that the VA has a "whistle blower" rule. If you blow the whistle you can't get fired. That's one hell of a way to insure your job is secure. Tell a false story like the death lists and they'll never fire you.

In order to explain that more clearly, I ask those of you who read the blog to go back to my words about The League of Nations. It's my opinion that the League failed because it was not named "The League of Civilized Nations". Stop a second and try to see the speaker asking : "Mr. Hitler, what do you think about that?" Mr. Tojo, what are your thoughts about that?"

The same thing holds true for the United Nations. Why in the world they didn't name it the United Civilized Nations is beyond me. Can you picture the speaker saying: "Mr. Bin Laden, what do  you think?"

If you apply that logic to the Whistle Blower rule you might wonder where in the hell is "The Lyin' Whistle Blower Rule". Having said that, let me add that he is now under criminal investigation.

With all these things in mind, PLEASE tell all Veterans that you know to come to the VA and sign up for health care. They earned it, they deserve it and it's as good as it can get.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Monday School and Sunday School.

I found out some stuff about Moses on Monday instead of Sunday. That's another good thing about DVRs. Unless the movie was fiction, I found out that Moses was found in a picnic basket shootin' the rapids on the Nile, somewhere around one of the Grunlick's Palaces. As it turned out, the girl that found him lived in the palace and was given permission to keep him cause he was still little, still wearin' Pampers. That's when the trouble began.

You see, when you lived in the palace you ended up getting a fine education. Moses eventually turned out to be one of those Harvard, Yale, Princeton types that could read, write and do Rithmatick. Over the long haul, this really pissed off the Gruntlicks cause they were all pretty Bonehead stupid. In any event, years after he got his diploma and decided it was time to do something with his life, he decided to move outta town and maybe use some of that education. Since he liked property development and political science, that's what he decided to get into.

He found out about The Promised Land and figured it would be better than living in Dixie Garden so he decided to move there. That wasn't a big issue but when he decided to take his constituents with him, the fecal matter hit the fan. He had to do all kinds of stuff to get them freed.

He turned the river red, redder than the Red River on the other side of Shreveport and he sent a whole bunch of bugs there, worse than Skeeta Bugs in the middle of the rainy season down here. He knew he was gonna get in a whole lot of trouble with the EPA so he fixed the river. I think he called the Orkin Man and fixed the bug situation but even that didn't work. I think he poisoned one of the Grunlick's first born kids and that seemed to do the trick.

Wayne, keep that in mind cause it will prolly come up in a test. It's important to remember that cause them Gruntlicks hold a grudge longer than people from Tennessee do.

In any event, Moses took all of them across the land and headed toward Israel, a place they called the land of milk and honey. Before they made it, Grunlick and his group got really pissed and decided to go get em. They hadn't learned they lesson so they were drowned and that was that.

When they got there, Moses was wore slap out and he died. That brought on more trouble especially when the Gruntlicks discovered that the Promised Land was better than the tents they were living in. The Israeli Defense Force were a lot better at fightin' so when the Gruntlicks showed up, they kicked their asses real good. This pissed em' off even more and a Gruntlick holds a grudge real long.

Now, after all this time and all that fightin', the Gruntlicks have adopted that Shicklgruber Maneuver more than ever. You would think that after the Moshe Dyan Maneuver, they would have learned their lessons but they haven't. My people tell me they're still mad cause a woman kicked their asses. Remember that Golda Myer woman or whatever her name was? You see, that's why the Gruntlicks don't like women. Deep down inside they know a woman can whip their asses anytime they want to. They didn't like Margret Thatcher either. They like the way Bill Clinton runs his hoes so that's why they donate all that cash to him. I'm glas we got this straight.

I have to go now but I'll have some more Monday School lessons later. Pass along the information if you want to but be sure to watch out for your donkeys or goats if you have any. Those Gruntlicks are  comin' to town sooner or later and you know how they are.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Translate THIS!!!

Wow! I've gotten responses by email and even text message. So, for those of you who have already read the previous post, I have a statement to make within the new language that wrecks political correctness. This is just a way to tell everybody to shove political correctness where the sun won't shine while delivering a message that only we will understand. Try to translate THIS:

"What in the world is Bonehead doing sending the Ketchup Kid to negotiate with the Gruntlicks while they are engaged in the Shicklgruber Maneuver"?

(Note, don't be confused by the Ketchup Kid, he's the same guy as the Mustard Man).

Friday, March 6, 2015

Solving This Problem With The Terrorists.

First of all, I've had all this bull shit I'm gonna take. I was hoping someone would solve it by now but since they haven't I guess it's up to me. It's a thing called Leadership.

Just so we'll get started on the same foot, I want you to know exactly who we're fighting. There's no more guess work here, it's a scientific fact proven by DNA samples taken all over Europe. These forensic scientists started in China and began working their way back all the way to Egypt. They took a zillion DNA tests that eventually helped me prove my hypothesis.

Starting with Genghis Khan and his group, they started accumulating records and went backward through time. Genghis started in 1206 so that goes way back. I'm not much of a scientist but I like Abbey Scuitto on NCIS and she probably could explain it better than me. Despite that, and since she can't come over today, I'd like to begin by explaining the Y Chromosome.

When you are in the business of raping and robbing, you are going to have a whole lot of kids. That DNA thing proves who the baby daddy is and there are tons and tons of DNA samples that have that chromosome of the baby daddy. The more they sampled, the more they wanted to sample.

They went all the way back to the first Pharaohs. The first one was named Narmer and his DNA had that same chromosome as Genghis Khan. Talk about a long list of great grandpa's back in time. Narmer was having babies in 3,000 years BC. That's when the light bulb came on for me.

Narmer had a kid he named Summus. When Summus had his first kid, it was a girl and when she got married, she married a Shiek named Gruntlick. Wanting to honor the head of the family, they named the first boy, Summus Gruntlick. Dupe knew all about the Summus Gruntlick Klan but he didn't know who the father was. When the forensic scientists figured all the Chromosome stuff out, that's when I went to work on the the entire family tree.

I eventually found Attila Gruntlick and that was in the 400 AD time period. Moving right along, not in any particular order of time, I found Julius Gruntlick, Pontius Gruntlick, Adolph Gruntlick, Benito Gruntlick, Saddam Gruntlick, Ayatollah Gruntlick and many, many others. So far, we estimate that there are over a billion Gruntlicks out there.

You may wonder why their last names had been changed throughout the years. For the most part, it was hidden so they wouldn't be caught by the Christians. The Lamberts, the Butlers, the Whites, the Wolman Klan, the Wolfe's, the Sinclair's, the Harrisons, the Deggs, the Diables and millions more that I don't even know.

Despite the name changes, I found something very interesting about the Gruntlick name changing plans. Google "Shicklgruber" and you will find Maria Anna Shicklgruber and discover that she was Adolph Hitler's grand mother or great grand mother. I can't remember which one but Google that and consider yourself a scholar. Later on, you'll understand what the "Shicklgruber Maneuver" really means.

Before I continue with this, understand why I often times provide names for you to Google. Quite some time ago, a liberal gave me hell for some of the things I write about. After I provided my proof sheet and the link to Google, a great apology followed. Some didn't feel the same way so I did the nick name maneuver and pronounced them as direct decendants of the "Idiotass Family." You can probably find some of that chromosome thing in their DNA but it won't be from the Gruntlick Klan. Ain't that a shame? More later.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hate Crime? I don't think so.

I recently heard about the shooting of 3 Muslim students in North Carolina, I think it was North Carolina but I really don't think it matters where. Later on that night, when I was watching the news, I heard the words "Hate Crime". I was wondering what kind of idiot put "Hate" with "Crime" and connected that with "Muslim" and "Shooting"?  Gimme a break on this one and allow me to lay out a thing or two.

When a Muslim shot a group of guys at Ft. Hood, that wasn't a Hate Crime. They called it "Workplace Violence". If that's the case, why in the hell don't they call this School Yard Violence? C'mon now, it wasn't work, it was a college campus. I'm thinking it's more of that political correctness bidness I've been raising hell about. With those thoughts, I began to think about my Uncles that fought in the second world war.

Let's start with my cousin, Greg Crafts. His daddy had a brother named Joe that went to Morris School in Arkansas, when he was a kid. That's the same place that Greg and I went when we were kids. From that, I figured we had a similar back ground. Same school, same classrooms, some of the same teachers, same church house.

Uncle Joe fought against the Afrika Corp during the second world war and was captured by Muslims who turned him over to the Nazi dogs that were fighting for Rommel. He spent the rest of the war in a POW camp and barely made it home alive. From that, Uncle Joe developed a Shit List that had Muslims, Germans, Krauts, Nazis and many others in it. I'm pretty sure he had Nips, Slopes and Japs in it even though he didn't have to fight them. I don't think there was any such thing as political correctness back then because all of my Uncles used those words as well as "assholes, killers, maniacs and lunatics".

Over the long list of Uncles I had, Uncle Parker, Uncle Morris Ray, Uncle Earl, and Uncle Wayne, all had some choice names for those that they fought. That was the Second World War. Later on, we learned about Zipper Heads from Korea and Leland and I learned first hand about Dinks from Vietnam. Later still, we learned about Donkey lovers, Goat humpers and Camel Jockies. Now, all of a sudden, you can't say things like that because it's not politically correct.

I would like to announce that I'm not running for political office of any kind and my new motto is "Screw Political Correctness". Steve and I talked about having Sondra make some tee shirts with that on the front so if you want some, send me a note and I'll get to work on it.

I'm prepared to explain the reasons behind all of these killings but I want to do that under a separate title and will probably begin on that this afternoon, tonight or tomorrow. You will be shocked to learned what I've found out. Stand by.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Required Viewing List.

Most of you will remember the required reading list from your days in high school. War and Peace, The Scarlet Letter and on and on. Well, I have a required viewing list. I think that everybody should be required to watch the video of ISIS burning to death, the captured pilot they had in their hands.

I'm not saying it should be played in the kindergartens just after morning recess but I am saying that you should not be given a high school diploma, a drivers license or a voter registration card unless you view it.

This business of not warning the American people of what's coming and, in fact, what is already here, is bullshit. I remember seeing lots of pictures of the Nazi Death Camps long before I ever went to Vietnam. I'm not saying the North Vietnamese were as bad as the Hitlerites but they did many of the same things that his followers did during the occupation of Hue and many other places during their Tet Offenses.

I watched it the day after it was announced and in doing so, I had many mixed emotions. It reminded me of seeing the Buddist Monk burning himself to death during the War in Vietnam. From that standpoint, it seemed to be just another case of a human burning to death. On the other hand, that was a self inflicted death as the ISIS situation was advertised and filmed. They did it on purpose and after all these years of the same old shit, FINALLY some of the other Middle Eastern Countries are standing up to them. This is the first time that I recall that happening.

This madness has been going on forever or at least since the year 600 or so. With that in mind, don't you think it's been repetitious enough for us to figure out what to do about it? I've heard talk about massive deportations but the libs would NEVER allow that to happen. I've always thought that there could be no problems with Muslims here if there weren't any Muslims here at all. Seems pretty simple to me. The Libs don't like that either so maybe we should say "Nobody belonging to groups of murderers will be allowed to live here".

In any event, if you haven't already done so, try to go on line and dig up the video of them burning the pilot. I assure you, it will be educational and when you do so, at least you can say : "I KNOW".
At least you'll know it isn't pig blood that brings about the worst reaction. It's fire.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

There's a slow train comin'


This note was started the day after the Paris attack took place

I listened to Joe Bonamassa tonight and the song "Slow Train Comin' " inspired me to write this because we've seen these kinds of things before in Vietnam except the bad guys didn't stick around very long.

The point is to remember my frame of mind about this and today's visit at the VA hospital. Even though the appointment was made long before the attack in Paris, one day after the fact is NOT a good day to ask a oombat veteran what he would like to do about it. That should be enough of a reminder to allow me to have a good starting point on the post. 1/8/2015, 9:52 pm.

Okay, it's two days later @ 9 a.m. and instead of my attitude about Paris calming down a bit, the news media continues to inspire me to..........uh............. never mind.

I'm not supposed to talk about the things we did to the bad guys in Vietnam because it scares the BeJesus outta the kids.

Post Traumatic Stress is right but remembering them is NOT a disorder. For those of us who have been there and seen killing like this, we don't have visions of running away, we have visions of running toward the killers. In our minds, we hear the echo of "Head Shot, Head Shot, Dick Shot, Dick Shot, Chest High and Center Mass".

I'll never forget the day Tim Jr was ordered to push my wheel chair up to "Suicide Prevention". That was the day they told me my brain cancer was malignant and I had 3 months to 12 months to live. When Roger was entering my name and stats into his computer, my eyes drifted toward his book shelf and I saw the 3 ring binders that had "Suicide Prevention" on the end.

When I saw that, I told him I thought I was in the wrong department. When he asked me why, I mentioned the title on the 3 ring binders. With that, he told me that all terminal cancer patients, especially Vietnam Veterans, were mandated to go there. I responded with: " I still think I'm in the wrong department". Roger said: "Which Department do you think you should be in"? When I told him "Homicide Prevention", I heard Tim Jr in the background as he said: "Oh Shit".

Roger asked me if I would be so kind as to tell him who my target was. My response was "That raghead at Ft. Hood named Hassan". Roger began to play that computer keyboard like a piano. I asked him to contact Ft Hood and tell the boys on the firing squad to get the wives and kids and have a picnic. I told him that I would drive over there, take my own rifle and shoot that murderin' piece of shit myself.

That' started verse two of "Oh Shit" from Tim Jr.

Roger looked at me like I was nuts. I told him that I had seen that comment in the paper where the tree huggers and the owl lovers didn't want to see any gun powder in the air so I told him I had won the Jim Bowie knife in the sales contest and I would just go to Ft. Hood and cut his head off.

That's when Roger gave Tim Jr another piece of paper with a room number on it and Tim Jr said: "I get it, 4 doors down the hall". Roger said that was correct and Tim Jr wheeled me down the hall. Little did I know that I was headed to the Chief of Staff for Psychiatry but that was where I went.

The point of all this surrounds the fact that you simply can NOT draft a guy, put him in the Army, train him to kill people with a helicopter and then ask him to forget it. There's a long list of stuff that you shouldn't ask a guy to forget. When the VC and or the NVA comes into a village and murders piles of civilians, how can you forget that sight? You can't. You can and should remember it and use it as a tool or a class room example of what kind of people you are dealing with.

Here I am, 45 years later, still remembering what kind of people we have on this planet. I would say that there isn't an ounce of difference between then and now. Only the uniforms have changed. If ever there was a Slow Train Coming, 45 years is real slow but they're here now and the train is stopping off in our homeland.

I promised Roget that I would not do anything stupid and I won't. However, if they show up in your town, would those of you readers on this blog please be so kind as to give me a shout. Steve has a really big RV pull behind travel trailer with slide outs and  he's promised to drive me to where ever we need to be. I have Veteran friends all over the Country and if it's too far for me to go, I'll get in touch with Doug, Bill, Curt, Glenn, Craig, Kat and others so they can get into the fight. Y'all rest easy now. I just wanted to tell you about Joe Bonamassa's song: "A Slow Train Comin' ".