Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It's not Bullies, it's Idiots.

This ISIS deal doesn't make any sense. History has proven that the world will kick your ass every single time you do stupid stuff like they do. The Crusades weren't nasty ole Christians  or Catholics picking on Saladin's people. They were fighting like crazy to undo the same kind of things that ISIS is doing now.

Let's think about the Roman Empire for a second. The way I see it, Christians or Catholics kicked their asses. Want proof? We still have the Vatican and we kicked everybody's ass from the Roman Emperors all the way to Benito Mussolini. It would seem to me that even dumb asses would conclude that messin' with those Yankees isn't a very smart thing to do.

The largest, most powerful nation in the world took us to task and did so before we even had a Country or an Army. Whether you call that the American Revolution or not, is no big deal. It's Americans being fed up to the point where they shot every red coat on sight. To me, more than anything, that's an indication that you shouldn't mess around with Americans. Above all, you shouldn't mess around with Country boys or Americans that own guns and whatever you do, you better stay your ass out of Texas and Louisiana. My people from Texas will make you wish you were dead and these Louisiana Coon Asses will feed you to the gators or let the ants eat you.

If you think back to 911 and move forward to today, you'll see lots of indicators. They're already here. The Boston Marathon bombing and the beheading in Oklahoma are some. That Nadal Hassan target is another.

I volunteered to go to Ft. Hood and replace the boys on the firing squad. I even suggested that they send an email to them with instructions to take the old ladies and kids on a picnic while I did their work. They looked at me like I was nuts.

Out of respect for the environmentalists and their fear that the gun powder would pollute the air, I told them that I won the Jim Bowie knife in the sales contest and I would go down there and slice his no good, murderin' ass from ear to ear. As I explained that to the counselor I heard Tim Jr in the background as he said: "Oh, shit".

I guess he already knew that my comments would result in a trip to the Chief of Staff of Psychiatry. When Dr, Barnes said "Welcome to the Mental Health Clinic", I was thinking that somebody was finally going to listen to me instead of me having to listen to them. It doesn't work that way. You have to play by their rules, not mine. Be advised that after 5 years in the mental health clinic, the rules haven't changed. I'm talking about their rules, not mine.

When the beheading took place in Oklahoma, the media said there was FEAR that reprisals would be taken against the Mosque where the radicalization took place. I don't know where that journalist studied but where ever it was, they should have taught him to use OPPORTUNITY in stead of FEAR.

The reason I'm writing this today has to do with a report that came from the Dupester. He just returned from a week long trout fishing trip. I won't mention where but I will say that it was close to a hydroelectric dam. Sometime after 10 p.m., long after the park had closed for the night, a van pulled into the camping area and parked. A rag head got out and made his way to the dam. No boat, no fishing rod, no nothing.

Dupe was asleep but Howard, a combat veteran, took action. He decided NOT to wake up Steve. That was a good decision in my opinion. I'm still working on his anger issues but I'm not finished yet. Dupe told me that he would have poured diesel fuel around the van and set it on fire. I liked that idea but figured it was a little untimely. There will be a time when that's appropriate, just not now.

In any event, the phone calls were made and before it was all over, everybody from Homeland Security to the game warden showed up. That included the Sheriff's Department and an APB (All Points Bulletin) was put out and that ended the event for the fishing party and everybody left to come home.

The point I want to make here has to do with the type of people we're dealing with, the current rules of engagement and the fact that they are already here and active. Sooner, rather than later, some Bonehead is gonna screw up and the rules of engagement won't be worth a dime. It will be KEBOS. That's "Kill Every Bastard On Sight". Bullies learn that rule but Idiots never do. Be patient. It's coming.

I have to report this to the Mental Health Counselor and I'll be sure and let you know how that little visit comes out. They've gotten to a point where they can't wait for my weekly visit. At this point, I've not had to be locked up so I must be doing something right. More later. Thanks for the ear.


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