Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Grand Baby and other stuff

Tim Jr and Kristin are the proud parents of a new baby girl named after my mother. Nora Ann Butler arrived 59 minutes after lunch on Wednesday the 29th and weighed in at 8.1 pounds and 19" long. The newest member of the Butler family went home 3 days later and all are doing fine.

I am especially thankful for Kristin's mom and dad who were by her side from the get go. They are a perfect example of what it is like to have a great mom and dad who have always been there for their kid. Remember the rule: "If you don't show up for practice, you don't get to play in the big game". Well, Salley and Dale are on the first string and will always be.

I would like to take a moment to welcome Craig Wollman back to the blog. Craig was one of my mentors in Vietnam and he taught me how to survive the Nighthawk Gunship missions when I was a newby co pilot with the 199th Light Infantry Brigade. Seems as though he had a computer crash and lost this site but I sent an announcement email to him about Baby Nora and also sent the link to get here. Welcome back to Craig.

I've been away for a few days but under the circumstances it's nice to report some good stuff instead of the crap that comes with the scandals in DC, the Boston Bombing and all the other terrorist kinds of things that now invade our life and in fact, our Country.

Before I get back to the reports I'd been working on, let me present a wee bit of information about the shooting of the guy in Florida that was connected to the Boston Bombers and the triple murder that was discovered after the authorities gained access to their computers. My point has to do with the Geneva Convention.

First of all, at some point in time everybody needs to accept the fact that the Geneva Convention doesn't mean anything to terrorists. Not only did they not sign on to it, most of them don't even know how to spell it. I wanted to make that point as there has been some discussion regarding the killing of the guy in Florida who was part of the Chechnian Terrorists that killed the 9 year old boy and wounded over 100 innocent by standers during the finishing stage of the marathon.

Now, if you want to be a part of "due process", you have to be a part of the system. If you are a combatant, you are treated in two ways. One treatment goes to those who conduct themselves in warfare along the lines of the Geneva Convention and are treated accordingly. The other does not.

The mass murderers who do not follow the rules, fall under the scenario where: "The rule is that there are no rules". It's really a small change but the difference is significant. Instead of starting off with "You have the right to remain silent", you generally start off with a pistol shot to the head and THEN you say: "You are silent and you will remain so."

That may seem a bit rigid but it really isn't because there are lots of choices available to those who put their lives at risk as they go about stopping the people who do this mass murder thing. They are allowed to use a shotgun, a rifle, a stun gun, a tazer or any number of other life saving devices they use as they make sure that they don't suffer another loss while bringing the perps to justice.

See how easy that is to understand! I just wanted to clear that up before I continue with the direction I was on before Nora came along. Tim

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