Saturday, June 22, 2013

June, A month that will live in infamy.

I bet y'all thought that was gonna be December 7th, 1941. Didn ya? Well, I guess it depends on your perspective. About five and a half to six months prior to the Pearl Harbor sneak attack, Hair lip Hitler, or Asshole Adolph, began Operation Barbarossa which he thought was gonna be a Nazi version of Whip Ass on the Russians. That was June 22, 1941.

Boy, was he wrong about that one. It seemed logical to him, cause he had 3 million soldiers, 3,580 tanks, some 7,184 artillery pieces, 1,830 airplanes and 750,000 horses. Being an ole 11th Armored Cavalry man, I began to see Hitler attacking Stalin as something akin to showing up at a gun fight with a knife.

As that date relates to Pearl Harbor, what about the summer of 1942 when we put a major ass kickin' on the Japanese during the battle of Midway? That was another one of those "Month of June" things. General Tojo may not have known but Admiral Yamamoto knew we learned about Teddy Roosevelt's "Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick" Philosophy and we weren't afraid to apply that thought process when pushed too far.

I recon the Bushido Boys in Japan forgot that World War I thing we did to the Germans when we geared up for that fight cause it damn sure didn't stop em from doing that Tora, Tora, Tora thing.

I'm beginning to think that there's some kind of a "sexual inadequacy thing" in there but I'll add an item or two about that after I demonstrate a few other things that happened in and around the month of June over many different years.

If that Midway thing in 1942 ain't enough, how about General George Patton outflanking Rommel and the Afrika Corp when the British Commander, Bernard Montgomery, on the other flank, began to kick that Nazi ass completely outta town?

That's when both allied forces beat the mortal dog shit out of the "Never been defeated Nazi war machine". Oddly enough, June of 1943 was the first month that saw no combat between us and them cause they didn't have anymore ass to kick. Seems like those Nazi boys weren't real good in the "Long Haul" thinkin' department.

Moving from June of 43 to June of 44, everybody remembers D Day. There's some more of that ass kickin' going on for you to use as the common denominator about the month of June and the word "Infamy".

Despite all that ass kickin proof from D Day, let's not forget June 15th of 1944 and Saipan. That allowed us to go across the bay, take out Tinian and build the base that would see the Enola Gay on the ramp. For you younger readers, that's the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb.

Just for good measure, lets throw in another June 22nd of 1945 and add Okinawa to the list. I could go on and on about June and it's importance in World history but I think I've made my point as it relates to our Country and the month of June.

Personally, June 22, 2009 was the day I had the wreck and they found the brain tumor but I hesitate a bit to classify that with the other listings about the month of June above. That's World History and 2009 is my history. In any event, June seems to be a really important date.

To close this editorial about June and to explain one last thing about the idiots who forced so much crazy shit to happen in that month, I will explain one last thing. It has to do with that sexual inadequate bidness I mentioned in Paragraph 5.

Before I get on with another month in history, I'll take a minute and see if there's any autopsy information about all the war criminals we executed after the ass kickin was over. Hopefully, I'll be able to see if there's any mention about the size of the penis that each war criminal had. I don't wanna make any bets but I'm assuming that there's something to the graffiti that was on some of the graves of those men. After all, why in the world would anybody write: "Here lies Needle Dick, the Bug Humper".

Stand by for more.   

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