Friday, June 7, 2013

You have until sundown to get out of town.

When I turned on the tv this morning, there was a movie on that had Glenn Ford in it. As I watched it, I also saw Ernest Borgnine. I got off that and checked my email. I found a bunch of stuff on there about the recent street murder in London where another terrorist showed up in the street where a British soldier was and then he hacked him to death. Not wanting to start my day like that, I went back to the EWEST channel and "Jubal" was on. There was Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine again.

The thing that impressed me the most had to do with the fact that every cowboy had a six shooter in his holster and was always in a position to protect himself. I can remember a time in my life where I never went anywhere without my 38. I had a shoulder holster because it was more comfortable to wear with a bullet proof vest that I wore when I was flying.

Ernest Borgnine asked Glenn Ford if he had ever figured out that it took more energy to run away than it did to stick around and "find out". That's when the light bulb came on and I decided to write this piece.

It seems to me that it would be much easier for us to stick around and solve the problem than it would be to take very long and expensive trips to try and fix the problem. After watching the various clips on youtube that covered the murder of the British soldier in the streets of London, I figured that the same thing was true for the British. They've been publishing articles about the problems that came with the immigration of terrorists for a long time. All of a sudden, an old saying, from many westerns from the past,  crept into my mind. "You have until sundown to get out of town".

I realize that the local Sheriff had the authority to say something like that and in today's day and time, even that would be impossible. Sheriff Joe has come close to it but he's been blocked at every corner. That's when another light bulb came on. I guess somebody like Glenn Ford or maybe Clint Eastwood is gonna hafta go to the people in charge and tell THEM that they have until sundown to get out of town.

Is that what we are seeing on the news every night? They're already asking Holder to get out of town but they screwed up the part about "You have until sundown".

Glenn Ford just shot a mountain lion. Borgnine said he was going back to town to put up a poster that offered a $500 reward to any bounty hunter that brought in the bad guys. He said that because hunting the mountain lions that were killing everybody's cattle, was messing up his duties as a law man. There's another light bulb.

Since we're at war with the terrorists and the fat cats are out hunting mountain lions, maybe Sheriff Joe should put up some posters with a $500 reward. Yep, there ya go. It just goes to show you that the heroes we had as kids are still giving us solutions to the problems we have today. My suggestion for you guys is to go to Channel 538 and get yourself an education. It may not be a video conference but it sure beats watching the news and wondering what the hell can we do.     

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