Saturday, May 25, 2013

Access the situation, formulate a plan, take affirmative actions.

In view of the bombing that we all witnessed in Boston, I was hoping that somebody would finally stand up to the plate and say something about the dangers of unchecked immigration. Well, I guess it's not going to happen.

In view of that, I've decided to try and put things into perspective. Since it appears that we do have some friends in Russia, the ones that told us about suspect #1 and 2, I thought I would try to connect a couple of dots here so we can all share the information that's published for all to know.

For starters, let's take a quick look at previous invasions.

During D Day, there were 160,000 of our troops that made the trip to Normandy. There seems to be some differences of opinion depending on the source you use but basically, that's it as far as the number of combatants it took to kick Hitler out of France.

Hitler, on the other hand, used 2.2 million men to invade Russia. The amount of troops he used to invade France is somewhat subject to debate because there were so many Divisions available for ground combat and many more available for use in the air and on the sea. Let's just say that they used 1,000,000 on the ground with a total of 4 million available to fight.

Okinawa saw 183,000 of our troops invade that Island. Iwo Jima was somewhat less and one source put that number at 30,000 troops. Hopefully, the number of troops used in the various invasions outlined above, will give you some idea of scale.

With the most recent incidents in the news regarding "immigration", I will ask you to simply convert that word to "invasion". Since there aren't any "low information voters" on this reading list, I think it would be easy for you to admit that the 11 million immigrants discussed in the news are not 100% against the USA. With that in mind, you should also be able to point out a number of attacks against us and realize that they aren't all friendly to the USA. Pretty simple, don't you think.

For many of you that read these epistles, especially those of you who are combat veterans, it's real easy to acknowledge that sometimes a guy wearing civilian clothes is, in effect, wearing the uniform of our enemies.

To me, it's more effective than cammo and is quite effective in making them invisible. Take a look at suspect number 1 and 2 in the Boston Bombings and you'll see exactly what I'm referring to. Having made that point, let's look at the thing that most of them can't change. Let's call that "Profiling".

Take a look at the pictures of General Tojo, any SS officer from Nazi Germany and then look at Osama Bin Laden. If you strip every one of them to the point of being buck naked, you will easily see that they are clearly visible to all and most easy to identify.

When you finish with that thought process, review the most recent rants and raves from the murderer that chopped the British guy to death in the streets of England.

Now that you've done that, try to view the vetting of immigrants as something that can be accomplished with nothing more than a "look see" at the person who has immigrated. Pretty easy, don't you think?

To rid our home land of every enemy that fits that category and to do that without having to take a single life, all you have to do is completely shut down the borders and deport all of them from that group. Again, I'm not referring to those who are of Hispanic heritage. Take a look at that naked picture of Osama Bin Laden again and you'll get my drift. 

Well, there's the solution to the terrorist situation here. All we have to do is "do it". No body killed except those who wish to die and more importantly, those who wish to kill us anyway. Problem solved. 

Now that I've solved that, give me a few days and I'll submit a suggestion to return us to the powerhouse we once were. I'll balance the budget and show you how easy it is to make a dollar worth a dollar. Thanks for the ear.

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