Saturday, June 8, 2013

Don't Fix The Stuff That Ain't Broke.

 I can't think of a better way to describe the recent mess ups with a number of things than using the old saying about fixin' stuff that ain't broke. I've been happy with my Hotmail account since I first signed on and began emailing but now, some idiot somewhere decided to mandate a change to Outlook or something like that and in an instant, my Hotmail page was gone and so were my contacts and a number of other user friendly things. Want to forward stuff to friends and family? Forget that. No contacts, no forwards.

In view of that, I thought I would get off the current track of things that have been on my mind and ended up as posts here. I decided that it would be better if I passed along a little information here so ya'll could get my idea of what's broke. I don't want to simply point a finger at a problem and not give a solution so I figured I would simply put down a list of solutions and let you guys figure out the problem.

1. Build a wall, not a fence.
2. On the South side of the wall have a sign that says: No Vacancy.
3. On the North side of the wall set up some bunkers and have the 11th Cav man the M60's.
4. Deport all illegals that we are providing room and board for in our prisons.
5. Deport all illegals that belong to cults.
6. Describe a cult as any organization or group that calls for our death or destruction.
7. Stop all social security payments to those who have not paid into the system.
8. Elect me to the Senate

I won't be able to campaign as my health doesn't allow that kind of travel. I can move to Washington if there is a Veteran's hospital there so living somewhere other than one exit from the VA in Shreveport won't be a big deal. Make sure that the podium in the halls of Congress has wheel chair ramps so I can be comfortable when I speak.

You have to admit that the above list, except for item 8, is a pretty good start. I may continue with this later but I felt the need to say this. Thanks for the ear. Tim

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