Friday, June 28, 2013

Dear General Lee

Dear General Lee,

I haven't heard from Robert or Richard Lee yet but I sent them a personal email to see if they checked out the previous post for accuracy. They are both very busy guys and I'm sure that they've been too busy to read the post on a daily basis. I'll let you know what they say when we catch up with each other. More than anything, I wanted to bring you up to speed on some of the things that have been going on down here so I'll just keep plugging away on that.

Even though a lot of the guys came back from the civil war okay, many of them had trouble with these wise ass bureaucrats that came down from the north. It didn't take long for our boys to figure out what to do and when they settled into little towns like Coushatta, Louisiana, which is just above Natchitoches on the Red River, they began to try and start their lives over.

Despite the low population numbers around Coushatta, the Yankees sent some people down there to put their tax agenda into place. I'll skip all the bull shit and just say that the alligators gained a lot of weight and before long, that area of Louisiana was more or less left alone and the trouble with the Yankees ended.

You can google Coushatta, Louisiana and find out about all of it. It's a cool read and I laugh about it a lot as I have a 31' Winnebago down there that we use for camping. It's really a good base camp as it's close to the Red River and is heavily forested. Lots of fish, lots of Deer.

Despite all that, there have been a couple of World Wars since you passed away and it appears that another one has already begun. We kicked the shit out of the Germans during the first one but some guy named Guerdian didn't take the loss very well and he and a guy named Hitler began planning another war right after the first one was over.

You'll be happy to hear that some of your fellow graduates from West Point made a big impact during the second world war and we ended up kicking everybody's ass again. They graduated long after you did but they were top notch commanders anyway and did an excellent job.

Unlike your situation with equipment, supplies and logistics, they had every weapon they wanted and all the ammo they needed. I guess the bottom line on all that has proven that our guys, when properly equipped, can kick all the ass we need to kick to get the job done.

Even though we can demonstrate that to be true, some of the politicians wanted a bigger say in things and ever since that day, our military has more or less had their hands tied when it comes to decisions made in the field.

In any event, you wouldn't even recognize the Country today. We have horseless carriages, machines that fly through the air, cannons that move by themselves and we've even built a machine that let some guys go to the moon and check out stuff way up in the sky. It's really something else. Unfortunately, there are other areas where we've really fallen down on the job.

There was a guy named Teddy Roosevelt that was born in 1858 which was only 12 years before you passed away. They called him a "Rough Rider" cause he was tough as nails. He ended up becoming the number one guy in the Country and lived until 1919 so he knew all about the first world war.

One of the things he did was related to immigrants. He said that it was okay that they kept coming over here as long as they "assimilated". He said that meant that they had to learn to speak English and that they had to pledge allegiance to the flag. That was a pretty good thing cause everybody knows we've had some great people come here from other places.

Unfortunately, some of our own people didn't take it much further than saying they had to assimilate. They didn't have any checks and balances with that idea and stuff went to hell in a hand basket shortly after that.

About 20 years or so after Teddy was gone, that asshole Hitler started the second world war. This time, those flyin' machines were everywhere and he partnered up with the Japs and the Italians and tried to take over the whole world.

We had real fancy ships by then and we didn't even have to use sail to make 'em move. The Japs took those flyin' machines, put em on ships that had flat tops on the top deck so they could take off like ducks. Those ships allowed them to sneak in real close to Hawaii, take to the air and blow up all our stuff. They killed a lot of people and really pissed off everybody in the Country. That happened on December 7, 1941.

One of Teddy's kin folk was runnin the show by then and he had the Congress get together so they could do one of those formal declarations of war. Everybody voted to fight the war except one bitch from Nebraska named Janette. That's right, they had a woman in Congress and by that time, women could actually vote and hold office. When she voted against the war, the newspapers started calling her Japanette. I liked that a lot.

No matter how you cut the mustard, that's when some of the really bad people in the world showed up. Even though Genghis Khan was around a long time before the world wars began, he had some kin folks that went sour and when they left China and headed to the middle east, they stayed there and mixed with folks we call camel jockeys.

One of his kin folk took Constantinople and that was kinda like blowin' up the Vatican in Rome. It was a real mess cause it pretty much took Christianity out of that part of the world and all those people started screwin up everything and they're still at it today.

Even though he was born 700 years before the civil war, they just kept fightin' and killin and when the second world war came along, they partnered up with Hitler and helped him stir things up even more. Can you imagine that!

In 1865 there were only 35.2 million people in the United States. Hitler and Stalin killed more than that when they started fighting each other. I mean to tell you that those dictator types were a hell of a lot worse than the Kings and Queens that tried to rule everybody all over the world. Oh yeah, we have a word for Queens that don't mean no ruler. We call queers Queens, if you get my drift.

Anyway, before I go any further, I just wanted to bring you up to speed on all this stuff cause I know you've been doing that rest in peace thing. I'll get into some more details tomorrow or the next day but I'm gonna stop for now cause I'm real tired. I've been at the hospital a lot lately and it really makes me tired. Don't give up, I'll keep up with this sit rep and give you some more information about us Rebels so you can rest easy and know that we're takin' care of bidness as best we can right now. See you soon.


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