Monday, December 23, 2013

We weren't fighting for freedom.

Hello Everybody,

In the midst of all the study that surrounds our Country from the late 1700s till today, I came across a thought that I've never considered before. We weren't fighting for freedom, we already had freedom. We were fighting for the "American Way Of Life".

As I see it, that's the way it is and has been since the day we took on the Brits and eventually, the rest of the world that decided they wanted all our stuff and all of us. That's not an abbreviation for United States even though it's true that you can't have the United States without getting control of us.

Well, maybe not every one of us but at least those of us who have the American blood lines that go back to the beginning days of our Country. I'm not having a problem with us, I'm only having a problem with that part of us that seem to be worthless. With all the hype about changing things, I think we need to go back to the old saying that you "Don't fix it if it ain't broken".

When it comes down to outlining or categorizing the many different aspects of our growth, I've been as thorough as I know how to be. I really haven't messed with the pilgrims all that much but I have presented a whole lot of stuff from the 1760s forward. I'll have to admit that we probably should have put that: "All men are created equal" thing into a different perspective and made all men free actually mean "All men".

I don't know if that would have eliminated the Civil War but I will admit that taxes weren't the only stimulation and that slavery had a big part in it. I certainly don't want to change the Constitution but I do think that it's time to put some laws into effect that would fix that part of the system that is broken.

Here's a thought or two about that. If you don't like the "One Nation Under God" thing, that's okay. Pack your bags and move to where ever you want to go. The only criteria would be "You can't stay here".

If you don't like that "Christian Nation" thing, that's okay, too. The Jews have done very well here and have assimilated into our society in a manner that has been most productive. Christian Nation doesn't mean you have to go to a Christian church every Sunday. You can pretty well do what you want to do, go where  you want to go and think what you want to think. Despite that, here's where the problem begins.

I like to call it "The Cult". After studying Maximilian Weber and his explanations that Cults form to affix some sort of rationalization to their own actions, I think I figured it out. If you look at it this way, it may help you figure it out. Use Fienstien's latest babble about Veterans. She said something to the effect that :"All Veterans are mentally ill in one way or another and the government needs to take their guns". I'm trying to recall her words from memory but even if I missed one or two, that's what she was reported to say. Let's call that the Anti Gun Cult.

History has taught us that the various leaders who demand the guns, do that so you won't be able to blow their brains out when they try to come and blow your brains out. In a very real sense, Yamamoto knew that and told the Japanese Army that there was a gun behind every blade a grass. To me, that means that IF they had defeated the armed forces of our Country and managed to invade, every citizen here would have simply blown their brains out with their home owned guns.

If you put that thought into practical use, the decision to drop the bomb on Hiroshima was a decision that was made to send a message. Even though it was a very loud and clear message, apparently they didn't hear it. Another message was sent to Nagasaki a couple of days later and that one got through.

Atomic bombs are a hell of a long way from the power exerted by one guy with one gun but the connection is quite interesting. One one hand, guys like Hitler and Tojo wanted the natural resources of the United States. On the other, if the entire Country was destroyed or radiated, they wouldn't have been able to get a single drop of oil, no trees, no agriculture, no nothing.

Now onto the scene comes this hammer head from Iran. He doesn't want to take over Israel, he wants to wipe it off the map. With regard to us, he's made it clear that his idea, the one that comes from his belief system, is to dominate the world. I'd call that a Cult, wouldn't you?

Since they can't put up with our belief system, they have no choice but to kill us all. They just want to start with the Jews.

I guess that's it for today. I simply don't like the idea of Americans seeing millions of people like that in our Country and not having a gun handy to defend themselves. You can take all that peace, love and happiness crap and throw it in the trash. That's not what this is about. This is about Cult power.  I want our way of life back. If I could roll us back to the 50's, I'd do it in a second and begin the motions to "Purge" the cultists, not the military commanders who have served us so well. What a bone headed maneuver this purge thing has become!

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