Thursday, December 19, 2013

My State of the Union Address.

Recently, as I was reading the daily posts on the site, I noticed that there were continuing frustrations from the combat vets. That frustration surrounded a number of things that brought me to a realization that things haven't changed much since the beginning days of our Country but the manner in which we handle them have.

One of the common topics surrounded the negative effects that the anti war groups had among the pilots that watched some of the protest marches while we were in the Officers Club in Long Binh. I've written about it before and recall telling everyone here that I overheard a comment from a gun ship pilot as we were watching the hippies raising hell in Washington. He said: "Those are the sons a bitches we need to be making gun runs on".

Now, all these years later, with Jane Fonda being mentioned in the news and John Kerry being in office, those memories continue to haunt many of the men and women who fought like hell in Vietnam. That was completely different than the things that Fonda and Kerry proved to represent.

As I began to consider the sources of that aggravation, I concluded that it surrounded a certain type of person. Going back to a time frame prior to Vietnam and focusing on Korea, I noticed that McArthur caught so much hell that he was eventually removed from Command even though he pulled off the Inchon invasion which was a master piece of military strategy.

I continued my trek backward in time and came to December the 8th, 1941. That was only one day after the Pearl Harbor attack. It was however, long enough after the attack for us to know that there were thousands killed and wounded during that strike. As another important note,  December 8th was the day that the Japanese were attacking other areas in the Pacific and doing so only 24 hours after Pearl Harbor.

Believe it or not, there was a vote of "NO" from Janette Rankin who was a Representative from Nebraska. The press gave her an appropriate nick name. They called her Japanette. I tracked her voting record and saw that she had voted not to support the troops in Vietnam. The point I wanted to make from that has to do with tenure. Any way you look at it, she was liberal and remained that way for decades. If you weren't aware of that, take a moment to do one thing. Don't forget John Kerry's conduct.

I decided to go back to the 30s when Churchill was having to deal with the death and destruction that the Germans were spreading all over Europe. He was surrounded by near sighted people who were still sick of the losses and the costs of the first World War and didn't want to spend a dime to prepare for the Second World War. I wondered if that liberal bitch from Nebraska had any relatives still living in England.

As I thought about the negative impact that came from the likes of Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Janette Rankin and that stupid Cindy Sheehan woman who lost her son in Iraq, I began to think about the time frames beyond the 40s when so many didn't want to make the sacrifices to prepare their Country for the inevitable war that was coming.

I went back to an address that Churchill made to Parliament in the summer of 1934. He was addressing another issue than Hitler but the words he wrote have, to me, been effective throughout time. I'll quote them now.

" You have unsettled everything. You have settled nothing. Those whom you have sought to conciliate are those whom you have most offended. Those to whom your mission is most necessary are those whom you have most entirely abandoned. Those on whom you have to count most are those whom you are teaching least of all to count on you".

Despite the fact that his words were directed to the House of Lords and the House of Commons and they were focusing on some dumb ass thing they did relative to India, I thought that they were so appropriate that I wanted to recognize the dangers of idiots who are allowed to vote. I decided to go back even further in time to see what those effects were in our society.

I found myself studying the effects that came from the Boston Massacre of 1770. Even though there were only 5 killed and 6 wounded when the British opened fire on the citizens in Boston, the effect was every bit as large as Pearl Harbor or the taking of Paris by the Germans. I decided to look into it further to see if I could find any of John Kerry's kin folk in there.

As it turned out, my research uncovered the population numbers during 1770. Google links stated that there were only 2.1 million people here when that occurred. They eventually divided that number into Loyalists and Patriots. As it turned out, there were 500,000 of the 2.1 million that chose not to support Independence and not to reject the tyranny of King George. If my math works out, that's 23% of the entire population in 1770.

If you convert those numbers to the population we have today, there could easily be 60 million people here who are NOT in the category of people who seek freedom from tyranny and worse than that, VOTE THAT WAY. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I have some more math to do and will continue with this later but for now, if nothing happens from this post other than you thinking about the liberal population in our Country and the lessons learned from that, I will consider this writing well worth the time. Thanks. More later.

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