Monday, February 22, 2010

Hospital day, weight loss, stomach

Had a day at the hospital which pretty much took me out of the blog loop.

Waylon and the chickies as well as Doctor J, were pretty shocked by my weight loss. I lost 40 pounds, then gained 7 then lost 4. It's just the result of a loss during chemo that comes from not being able to keep anything down when you start the double dose, then another loss during the withdrawl period followed by a small gain when all the commode hugging is gone.

Kristin has been incredible. She cleans up after me when I get so sick I can't do anything but lay down, then she gets the medication chart, grabs the pills and runs through the 1,2,3 of it all.
The chemo is so bad that there are charts and instructions that warn you that no one should even touch the medicine but me. It also requires a "clean up kit" when you get sick. Jesus, wonder what's in the chemo that requires a warning like that.

Before long, the stomach calms down and I can walk without throwing up. Sounds horrible but it's not as bad as it sounds. Sick for a bit then weak but not throwing up. The five day period is horrible. The 25 day withdrawl period has, from time to time, proven to be worse than the 5 day on period. Doesn't make any sense but that is the reality of it all.

Weight loss just comes with the territory. 231 to 191 is a pretty big step. Doc said I'm losing alot of muscle mass and I need to plan an exercise program for rehab. They don't have a pool at the hospital but recommend swimming when the last phase of chemo is complete.

Joey brought me a pair of hand sized bar bells. I don't know how much they weigh but I can do 20 reps with each arm before it wipes me out. When I get through this last phase and the withdrawl, my stomach should return to some degree of normalcy. When that time frame gets here, I'll start walking everyday and maybe do some swimming. I wouldn't mind staying around 190 to 200 pounds if my muscle condition would firm up a bit.

Hangin in there. Thanks Curt!


1 comment:

  1. just keep hangin' in there. You're kickin' it's Butt!!

