Monday, February 8, 2010


I've figured out that it takes x amount of time to recouperate from radiation and chemo. Those are two very separate things.

I don't suffer any more fatigue at all from the radiation. I still have the burned spots on my skull but I treat that with a cream that is specifically designed for radiation damaged skin.

Chemo is another animal. I'm approaching the last phase of chemo that requires me to have double dosages for 5 days and then no dosage at all for 25 days. I'm not positive but I think the 5 days of double dosage is massive and thus the 25 day recouperation period ordered by the Doctor.

You have to be very careful during and after chemo. Sometimes you are really, really sick from the first day you take the double dose. Sometimes not.

Sometimes you are really sick during the 25 day withdrawl period.

Despite those things, I feel like I'm getting stronger, even during the post double doseage period. I'm positive that I'm going to return to a somewhat normal life. I'll never be as strong as i was prior to the wreck and the brain surgery. I think the thoughts about strength are more relative to the brain surgery and the changes that I've gone through after the tumor was removed along with a small portion of my right temporal lobe. I'm real lucky that I can tie my shoes much less work this keyboard and do other things.

In any event, I'm not ready to say that it's over but I am viewing the near future in a positive manner.



  1. Hang in there dear friend...Light is at the end of the tunnel and it is not an approaching train! Just so you know, I, like almost everyone who has had the good fortune to know you reads this blog daily,sometimes checking in multiple times during the day to see how Mr. Butler is doing. Our combined thoughts and prayers are always with you Tim.

  2. Reporting for duty.
    Location: Sydney Australia
    GBM4, Dx 31/7/09
    Status: No sign of enemy troops, 100% functional,
    Combat readiness: 1000%
    What are your orders? Sir!

  3. You're the man TB........always were and always will be. You're continuing to kick butt as the friggin' blackhorse warrior you were and will always be.
    I'm always checkin' in to see how you're doing but sometimes don't comment as much as I should.

    We all love you bro

