Friday, February 26, 2010

Feeling much better today.

Glad to be at the end of the withdrawl period. Yesterday sucked pretty much but today is much better. Got up at 6:30 and had some raisin bran and bananas. I even went totally off the scale and chased that with a cup of coffee. Gettin' crazy over here with maneuvers like that.

Tim Jr is handling paper work even though he's working full time with the Navy and taking 9 hours at LSU at night. I hope I can get my paper work lined out by the end of my next chemo period which begins on the 2nd. I'll be sick as a dog during that time but it's only for a short period of time and it doesn't last all day. It's generally just long enough to hug the commode for a few minutes before I go back to bed. After that, I'm still more or less down for the count but at least I'm not huggin that commode.

Feelin' better. Attitude and killer instinct is back.


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