Sunday, October 5, 2014

On Guard: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, One twenty one point five or two forty three point nothing.

At some point in your life, you've almost certainly seen a movie where a pilot gets in trouble and has to make the radio call that starts with "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday".

I was very fortunate and never had to make that call. In my case, I didn't have time. I was already down to roughly 50' when the SHTF and there really wasn't any time or need for me to do that. I had a Cobra gunship watching us go down and the Cobra had a Huey watching over both of us. That happened on the south side of the CHUP rubber plantation in Cambodia, an area where the fat cats said: "we weren't there".

Right now, with the Stuff Hitting The Fan every day, we don't have people watching over us like we did in Vietnam and Cambodia. We also don't have a UHF or a VHF radio to use where immediate responses from fighters, bombers, gunships, Hueys and artillery support can come to our rescue. Despite that, it's easier to use a cell phone than dialing 121.5 or 243.0 into either of the radios and making the call for help.

Since we don't have the ability to call the gunships in, I began to wonder about the general population and their awareness of today's support systems. I always seem to wander back to the days of our fight for Independence when the Brits were the bad guys and we were on our on. No Army, no formally organized government and, in an organizational sense, all we had was us.

With the Boneheads in charge of everything now, I began to see the more positive side of depending on ourselves, just like the Patriots did in the time of George Washington. You may wonder why I feel so confident in that as opposed to sitting on our duffs and expecting the gubmint to handle it. This morning, I received an email from an engineer buddy of mine and became convinced that there's no one better to depend on than us.

He listed the number of licensed hunters in Michigan as somewhere around 600,000. He said that was larger than most militaries of the world. He added the number of gun holders in Pennsylvania and other States and said that those numbers added up to a total that's larger than ANY military force in the world. It brought back memories of Yamamoto during the second world war when he cautioned Japan not to attempt an invasion of the United States because "behind every blade of grass, there's a gun".

According to Google, the Continental United States had 131 million people in it when December 7th came along and the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Today, google says that we reached 317 million in January of 2014. I like those numbers because it means that there are billions of rounds of ammo already in the hands of our Patriots.

In any event, when you compare the Twin Towers with Pearl Harbor and you add to that, the fact that "Mr. Already Dead Bin Laden", formally declared war on us, it seems to me that we haven't put together the right phrases to allow us the proper environment to protect ourselves. I say that because of stupid stuff like "Workplace violence". I would like to correct that right now.

Workplace violence is a condition where one employee gets pissed at another employee and they fight. When they kill somebody, that's workplace murder. When they yell some Islamic phrase and kill people, that's terrorism, Islamic radicalism, Muslim warfare or ragheads begging to die. Any way I look at it, I see it as another act of war, one that deserves some of that good ole fashioned response called "Vengeance".

You don't have to be a bible scholar to know that ole saying: "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord". If you are a red blooded American boy, you already know about that "One Nation Under God" thing and should automatically know that WE are instruments of the Lord. If you don't buy into that, how about another short history lesson?

Hitler invaded Russia and used 4 million troops to do it. If you use 20,000 men as the number of troops in one Army Division, that's 200 Divisions and Hitler's invading Army was described by Google as the largest invasion of it's kind in history.

Since there is a data base for Muslim immigrants that show 5,000,000 here, that's 250 Divisions. Not having a data base for illegals, some say that there are as many as 8,000, 000 million Muslims here. That's 400 Divisions. When you do that math, there are already twice as many here as Hitler used to invade Russia. Now, let's do a little Timmy Math.

If we start with 317 million as our population and remove all of the stats for Muslims, that means that we have over 300,000,000 million people here who are NOT rag heads. That means WE have roughly 15,000 Divisions to fight off the 400 Divisions of rag heads. In Timmy World, that means that there will eventually be an ass kicking of monumental proportions. They even have a song that covers that kind of situation: "Don't worry, be happy".

Before you get paranoid and think that the gubmint won't put up with the Patriots killing the rag heads, remember this: Rag heads didn't sign up for the Geneva Convention and Timmy's world doesn't even allow for a Geneva Convention.  No Convention, no problem.

Since the Boneheads won't simply deport them all, Timmy World says send them an invitation to "Get out of Dodge". See there, no Muslims, no Muslim trouble. I just wanted to extend that invitation so we could at least prove that we used, logic, common sense and a peaceful way to solve the problem. We all know that won't work but you have to remember that we at least need to try.

There will be more on this later but the races are on today and everybody needs to watch a little football and other sports before we get back to the main game of Raghead Ball. Y'all be patient.

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