Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Santa Ain't The Only One Coming To Town So Let's All Get On The Same Page.

I want to end the debate that never seems to solve the problems regarding Good Muslims and Bad Muslims. To get things started, I'll pass along a note that came to me from a highly educated friend.

"A radicalized Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants a radicalized Muslim to kill you".

That should be enough to put all of us on the same page and end the debate about good muslims and bad muslims. End of lesson but beginning of new preparations.

Santa Claus ain't the only one coming to town but he's a pretty good example to use when you think about serious preparations for a visitor. Parents even sing songs to their children to prepare them for his arrival: "He's knows when you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake".

We've been told that since the days of our infancy so maybe we can use that as a model for future behavior and begin our preparations from there. Maybe a song would do. How about this one! Sing it to the tune of Santa Clause is comin' to town.

You better watch out, you better be sly, you better lock and load, I'm tellin' you why,
Ragheads are comin' to town.
You know they hate the Catholics, they hate the Baptists too but when it comes down to it
They're here to kill you.
Buy yourself a real good knife, Jim Bowie is one of the best, sharpen that baby up real nice and shove it in their chest.
You can sneak up behind them, that's my favorite way, their sorry ass will hit the floor
Before they get a chance to say:
Please don't pull down my pants and cut off my jewels, I'll need it for all the virgins and I don't want to show up like a fool.
Now, if that doesn't make sense, all you have to do is remember that they're putting AK 47s in the hands of their kids and telling them to shoot the infidels. As our response to that, I think fighting fire with fire is a good response and the Santa Claus song is therefore, nothing more than a response to their child raising habits.
If you don't like my song, think about this.

Trick or Treat is another example but you don't get to sing it. You better have some goodies for the kids that come by, ring the door bell and holler "Trick or Treat". We get ready for all kinds of celebrations over the course of a year and we've been doing that ever since we began to build this Country. Times have changed and we need to change to meet the needs of today.

We hide Easter eggs for the kids, we have the Easter bunny, we have Turkey for Thanksgiving and pop lots of fire crackers on July 4th. If we go to those lengths to prepare for special days, why shouldn't we all get on the same page for other visitors?

All of the examples above are pretty good ones from my childhood days but today is a bit different. The main difference can be found in the confusion in trying to prepare for those who are coming but don't seem to fit the mold of being good. Since we already know about the flag burners and the riot crowds in St. Louis and Furguson, Missouri, let's move on over to those who aren't home grown dummies and have been burning the flag since the 50s.

When I think about the lessons Americans learned during times war and killing, I always go back to my days flying helicopters in Vietnam and Cambodia. We weren't always given advance notice for some of the attacks but we surely were equipped and ready to go. Nobody rang a bell or told us to get ready by a particular hour and day like Thanksgiving because we didn't know exactly when the first rocket or mortar would hit. In view of that, we pretty much had to be ready 24/7. With that in mind, I'm telling you now that you must keep your powder dry and have lots of ammo and food set aside.

As an example, let's go back to the current siege in Iraq and relate that to something that most people remember from personal experience or history. Tet of 68 and the Battle of Hue South Vietnam is a good example. The players are pretty much the same as ISIS and the results are too. Hue suffered a lot of casualties just like the towns and villages in Iraq have. In Hue, some reports say that there were 5,000 civilians killed with many of them being executed. Sound familiar?

If you take a look at the Twin Towers, you'll see a death count that is somewhat similar even though the weapons were different. Despite that, you will almost certainly agree that we were well equipped for the attack but we didn't hear a bell ring or see a notice given that it would occur at a specific day and time.

Things have changed now and we've been told it's coming and we've even seen some evidence that it's already here. Whether it's 911, Ft. Hood or the most recent beheading in Oklahoma, it's already here. We just haven't experienced thousands of them in the streets or across the Nation but that's certainly a part of their plan.

Just like the time when "The Red Coats Are Coming" was the call of the day, "The Muslims Are Coming" is today's call. You may not have adopted that as your daily thought but you can bet that there will be a stiff penalty to pay if you don't. I know that's a pretty difficult thing to do for civilians who have never fought in a war and I also know that those who didn't do that, in past times, paid a heavy price for it, often with their lives.

I don't plan to be one of those. I'm ready, willing and able to do my part even if it isn't flying a gunship with lots of machine guns on it or a Loach with a single minigun and a door gunner with an M 60.

As a last note for the ladies who don't pack heat, let me suggest something more user friendly. Your daily driver makes a great "Eliminator". You can take them out in the cross walk, the parking lot, the side walk or any where you see them on foot.

Now, go back and sing that song again. It's a snappy little tune and should be easy to sing. Y'all have a nice day. Karen, just get Kevin or Wayne to put a different bumper on your vehicle, one that's better suited to the task at hand. Eddie, don't let Ginny use the Miata. It's too little. Take her to the shooting range or buy her an F 350.

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