Sunday, September 28, 2014

What's it going to take to stop this immigration garbage AND remove the enemies within our borders?

One of the things that bothers me about information that comes across the net has to do with who sends it and how reliable it is. It's so bad, we now have so many places to go where we can check out the validity of posts or claims, it seems that an entire industry has been built to chase all the lies and deceit.

A few days prior to September 11th, I became very focused on "Attention to Detail". Chief Warrant Officer Bernard T. Diable still lives inside my head even though it's been 45 years since he began teaching that course at Ft. Wolters, Texas. I can't seem to help that and after all this time, I don't think it needs help, it needs sharing.

Until the moment we experienced the attack on the World Trade Center, I never paid much attention to the Caliphate crew. After that day, I spent more time hating than I did debating the history of their beliefs.

As it relates to thoughts about that and our future, it took some time but I eventually returned to Diable's Attention to Detail course for combat. I hope that none of you are in denial about the combat side of that statement but if you are, all you have to do is spend a little bit of energy and effort searching the net about their conduct and what they've been up to since day 1. It's their thing, it's what they do and it will always be what they do. Accept it.

As Leland would say, you don't have to agree with it, like it, aid and abet it, condone it or support it. One thing you better do is "accept it". It's real and despite all the lies and propaganda that comes with it, all you have to do is focus on the common denominator and you will see that killin' YOUR ass is the main goal.

Now that we've started to see beheadings here, I have come up with the Timmy Solution Part I. Deport the entire bunch. Every single, solitary one of them has to leave and never come back. It's actually pretty simple. If you are a rag head, your ass is history here.

For those of you who still hold on to that insane notion that not all rag heads are bad, please feel free to either point out the good ones OR accept the following:

Osama Bin Laden was a baby at one time. How much better off would the entire world be if someone had killed him before day 2 of his life? Answer that one. Now, if you still don't agree, try this on for size.

If there wasn't a single, solitary rag head in the Country and every one of them had been deported, how much rag head trouble would come from the work place or any other place in the Country. The answer is "none" because there wouldn't be any of them here. Pretty simple, don't you think. For you left wing idiots that think there are some good ones out there, read their plan book.

The Timmy Solution Part II has to do with voting. If you are not from men and women who lived in this Country after the Civil War or World War I, you don't get to vote. Dad was born in 1906 and mom was born the year the Titanic sunk. Do the math, do the study. Don't you think that's fair? If you disagree, adjust the voting eligibility situation to one that can only come with 150 years of being an American Family. Seems to me that those 150 year Americans should have a stronger say so than those that have been here 150 days.

If we have another beheading, MAYBE THEN you will get the idea that this multiculturalism stuff ain't gonna work and neither will a border that is INTENTIONALLY left open. I'll close with a quote during the days when the west was being settled and cattle rustling was going unpunished. The guy I was listening to said: "Unenforced laws guarantee Lawlessness and Anarchy. I liked that part.

Carry a gun and start carrying a knife. You never know when the opportunity for a vengeance beheading might present itself. The people in Texas already know about this rule. For the rest of you that don't, y'all have a nice day.

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