Sunday, October 13, 2013

Y'all wanna go to the cabin?

I can't seem to get the Patriot's Cabin off my mind. For several years now, I've been thinking about a mini reunion of sorts but the combat Vets I know live all over the Country and it just ain't that easy to pull off a reunion that's so far away from the guy's homes. Craig is in the Dakotas, Lt. Doug is in New York, Eddie and Bill live in Pennsylvania, Doc Young, Curt Lambert and John Finnerty as well as Ed Usrey live in California and Chuck lives in Alaska. Some of the guys from down here say "That's a fer piece" as in a long distance to travel.

I then thought about our 5th WOC Tac Officer, Bernie Diable, and when I did, the light bulb came on. Bernie lives in KC and he could make it to the Ozarks and the Buffalo River which would be a pretty easy drive for him to make. Mike, a Cobra pilot buddy of mine, could drive it in less than 2 hours as he lives close to Fayetteville, Arkansas and Greg Stevens, USAF, is only 90 miles south of the Buffalo River and has already been there.

I only need a few good men to show up and among those I've mentioned I think that it would be somewhat easy to get this done over a 3 day week end. That may not be easy for Billy, Ed and Doug but if just one of them from the Northeast could show up, he could pass along the information to the other guys as Billy and Ed don't live all that far from New York and they could talk to the famous Doug Womack in Maryland and Lt. Haywood in New York.

A high school buddy of mine is leaving here today and heading to the "Gilbert Café" in Gilbert, Arkansas for a six day long fly fishing trip. He's pulling a 29' long travel trailer and agrees that the Gilbert Café would be a great place for all of us to meet. I know the Mayor and I'm certain that he would not only welcome all of us, I'm sure he would give us the use of the Gilbert Town Hall to have our meeting in. Google Gilbert Café Arkansas and go to their facebook page.

If some of you forward thinkers would do a little planning, I would ask you to get on those computers and figure out how much a round trip ticket would cost for you to fly into Little Rock. We can pick you up at the airport and drive you to and from the Patriot's cabin for the week end. I did that for Curt Lambert and was quite happy with the round trip ticket prices from California to Little Rock and figured that many of you might be able to do that without it breaking the bank.

Now, with regard to the name "Patriot's Cabin", that name popped into my mind after I finished doing a little study of Paul Revere and all his buddies. He met with his guys in Taverns, Barns and Cabins to discuss current events from his day and time and quite frankly, I think it's time for us to do the same. It may even be past the time that we needed to meet.

For you faithful readers of this blog and the editorials posted on the aircav site of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, you are already aware of the facts from history that tell us what has to be done when certain things happen. As an example of that, let me ask a question: If the shit hit the fan right now, what would you do? If you are already prepared, you wouldn't have to worry about that. If you have to ask yourself what you would do, you may already be too late.

I have a 31' motorhome hidden away in the country side not far from home. Lots of deer, plenty of fish and some of the best farm land that the Red River Valley has to offer. I'll be fine even though I'm not sure what to prepare for. I just prepared for everything.

In any event, if we accomplish nothing but having a great reunion of friends from way back when, it should be well worth the time and effort to do it. If the shit hits the fan, it would sure be nice to have that connection re-established with men that I know as bad ass combat Veterans, who know how to take care of bidness. Just give it some thought, that's all I ask. Thanks, Tim

1 comment:

  1. Just a SWAG, but for mid-November for round trip from ABE (Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton) airport of service for both Bill and myself to LIT is a bracket between $360 to $460. I didn't dive into where connecting flights are located.
